Slimming World Before, During and After Pics

This thread is really inspiring so I thought I'd have a go.
Ok bear with me! I'm new to all this techie stuff. Hopefully my 'before' will appear below.

Right, well if that worked now I've got to do my After pic (well nearly after anyway, not quite at target !)

Ooops! Well obviously that didn't work, help anyone?

Hope that all worked
How do you post pics on to the page please ?

x x x sam x x x
How to pictures to a post

There are two ways you can do this either set up a free account somewhere like then upload a picture, to that site. Then click the image button in the reply section and paste the ‘direct link’ in the pop up box and your done!

If you don’t want to join a photo sharing site, then if you click ‘Go Advance’ on the quick reply box;

and scroll down there is a box that is titled ‘Manage Attachments’;

click that and upload you pics there :)

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Thanks squiddie but I can't see the 'manage attachments' bit anywhere! I know it's probably me being very blonde but could you point me in the right direction please?
you need to have a certain number of posts I think to be able to do pictures.
That seems a little odd. I didn't think you needed many posts to post pictures (you need 50 to see profiles and see "members only diaries), but maybe frugal_fifer is right!

Are you scrolling far enough down? If it really isn't there, then you might need to ask on the support board here
Thanks for trying to help frugal fifer and squiddie. It looks as though I'll have to be a bit more active on here if I want to post some piccys, at least I now know it wasn't me being STOOPID!!
Thought it was about time I added a few of my own pics to this thread!

The first pic of me is last year, before I started Slimming World the first time in January..i am 16 stone 8 here (oh god!!)

The second pic is of me just before I rejoined slimming world again in July, I am 15 stone 3 (Tiny bit better but still :( ha )

Both pics I am wearing similar blue dresses for a better comparison hehe

I am currently 14 stone 7.5 but I will not post more pics until I have lost another stone or so as I dont think I look much different yet :)

let me know what you think! xx


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Thought it was about time I added a few of my own pics to this thread!

The first pic of me is last year, before I started Slimming World the first time in January..i am 16 stone 8 here (oh god!!)

The second pic is of me just before I rejoined slimming world again in July, I am 15 stone 3 (Tiny bit better but still :( ha )

Both pics I am wearing similar blue dresses for a better comparison hehe

I am currently 14 stone 7.5 but I will not post more pics until I have lost another stone or so as I dont think I look much different yet :)

let me know what you think! xx
I think you are doing really well! You can really see the difference in your face, can't wait to see the next pictures
What a difference in these photos in this thread! I've put some into my profile album, if anyone wants to take a look - please feel free!

Best o'luck'n'stuff to everyone on their own weightloss journey!
Hope fully you can see these!

The first was taken at my biggest, the second was taken a couple of months about 5.5 stone down...dont have any recent ones as yet!


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well done everyone you must be so proud of yourselves!!
i seem to have come to abit of a stand still at the mo so i thought it might encourage me abit if i posted some before and during piccys!

me at over 19 stone and a size 26

and then me at 13 stone and a size 16 :)

still a way to go if only i could get myself in gear again!


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