Having a bit of a bad day today.
Feeling really low. Overall ive had an ok week. not stuck to SW 100%, which im slightly annoyed at myself about, but at least done better than the pervious week.
I just feel 'bleugh' .
Im fed up with everything today. Somedays i wake up feeling as if i could take on the world. Today i feel as if the world has it in for me. Think im just being miserable for the sake of it really. Got nothing really to moan about. yes, i wish i had a bit more money in the bank (that isnt eaten up by bills) , i wish i had stuck to SW at least 99% this week, i wish the bloomin' weather would make up its mind what to do, i wish my husband would learn how to use a hoover, i wish i had a job i enjoyed, i wish i didnt feel exhausted today.... etc etc.
See? im moaning about the most trivial things. i have my health and my why am i a grumpy old trout?
who knows.
maybe i got out the wrong side of the bed.....