Hi Charlie
I'm just catching up with everyone whilst hiding from the rain in our caravan.
I've had a couple of weeks where I have struggled too. I think sometimes when you have been good for weeks on end we all just run out of steam.
I kept finding myself eating crap at work constantly a few weeks ago but I seem to have got it under control again. I managed it by using the strategy I use at the start of a diet which is to tell myself that I should at least be able to stay on plan for one day. Then two days, then 3 days, then a week. By week 2 it seems easier. I tell myself if I can't even resist for one day/one week etc then I'm a total loser who doesn't deserve to lose weight
Lol - anyway it works for me. Hope that helps x
Thanks for the advice, I definitely think it helped this weekend. Will keep on plugging on!