slimming world v weight watchers

I'm only in my 2nd week of sw but it feels much more manageable and a whole lot less effort that ww! I'd lose track of what I'd eaten if I didn't point everything straight away and I just couldn't be bothered, whereas sw lets me decide what to eat and eat it without any of the fuss - no worrying about going over points. Plus ww made me completely obsessive - everything was about coming in under a certain figure everyday whether it was done healthily or not but sw means I just make healthy choices, stick to the 2/3 1/3 rule and get on with it. love it!
I agree, for me SW is simple to follow and you soon get to know the plan you're following. However at my weekly class there always seems to be members that just can't get their head around the basics. I don't know if it's because they don't read the books properly or what. And of course they're the ones who aren't losing weight...and then want to give up. The consultant and social team do all they can to help them.
I agree, for me SW is simple to follow and you soon get to know the plan you're following. However at my weekly class there always seems to be members that just can't get their head around the basics. I don't know if it's because they don't read the books properly or what. And of course they're the ones who aren't losing weight...and then want to give up. The consultant and social team do all they can to help them.

I've found it surprising how many people start and don't lose, only to be surprised because they thought they could eat as much or as little free and superfree in one meal as they wanted, ie 3/4 free and 1/4 superfree etc. Is it not the easiest thing (EE name gives it away lol) to hear your consultant explain when you join the 1/3 2/3 rule, and if you forget what is said to just flick through the book? I don't get it.
I've found it surprising how many people start and don't lose, only to be surprised because they thought they could eat as much or as little free and superfree in one meal as they wanted, ie 3/4 free and 1/4 superfree etc. Is it not the easiest thing (EE name gives it away lol) to hear your consultant explain when you join the 1/3 2/3 rule, and if you forget what is said to just flick through the book? I don't get it.

All I remember thinking as my consultant explained the EE plan was...I can't eat that protein! Afterwards when I explained she said "Oh you need the green plan!!" I admit my nose was in and out of that book until I felt confident. I don't eat meat, grains or dairy so had to find my own balance.
All I remember thinking as my consultant explained the EE plan was...I can't eat that protein! Afterwards when I explained she said "Oh you need the green plan!!" I admit my nose was in and out of that book until I felt confident. I don't eat meat, grains or dairy so had to find my own balance.

Yep, I have issues with wheat and lactose so I was the same about my healthy extras - couldn't find quite what I needed in the book so went on the website and found the info there, then stuck it on the wall so I could constantly refer to it!
Maybe people just overcomplicate things though. I admit it did feel a little too simple at the very start!
I think SW is brilliant (never tried WW so can't comment) and, when you think about it, all it is, is really what they did years ago, cooking healthy food, mainly from scratch, and just adding in any little extras you may fancy. It's so flexible and you never have to feel hungry. When I take my lunches into work, things like, SW quiche with a jacket and beans or last night's left-over chilli with rice, my colleagues can't believe I'm eating to lose weight. They're so envious as they nibble away at their boring old sandwiches! :D Love SW! Good luck ladies.

Yep, I have issues with wheat and lactose so I was the same about my healthy extras - couldn't find quite what I needed in the book so went on the website and found the info there, then stuck it on the wall so I could constantly refer to it!
Maybe people just overcomplicate things though. I admit it did feel a little too simple at the very start!

I agree, I got a lot of info from the website too. Also I think there is a bigger awareness now of people with intolerance's so more alternative foods are available in the supermarkets for us to buy.
I agree, I got a lot of info from the website too. Also I think there is a bigger awareness now of people with intolerance's so more alternative foods are available in the supermarkets for us to buy.

You're right, there's definitely more awareness - although I feel like a lot of the increased options etc are more to do with people going gluten/lactose/wheat etc free as 'fads' - gluten is the new evil for many people even though it has no particularly bad effects on them! Makes it difficult to get your point across if you do have a genuine problem with those foods.
But I shouldn't complain - I love that SW online has fact and diet sheets for things like coeliac - makes it much easier!
I think it's scandalous just how expensive these products are, for the people who really need them! My friend came for lunch several weeks ago and she has to have gluten-free products. She told me she'd bring her own bread because the gluten-free was so expensive. I said, don't be silly but she insisted. When I next went into Sainsbury's and looked at the Free From stuff, I couldn't believe how much a loaf of bread cost! Talk about kicking folks when they're down!! I realise there's maybe specialist equipment involved in manufacturing it but I wouldn't have though it would affect the cost THAT much!

True...I have the problem because wheat gives me the most intolerable itching inside my ears, they go ucky too! So I try and keep that controlled. On the other hand my husband likes to mostly avoid wheat because it's all GM'ed these days...hence the intolerance's?

I reckon that probably has something to do with it. Lactose intolerance is something a lot of people get as they age though- we're the only species that consumes milk that is not from our own species, which makes no sense really, and as we grow from babies and switch to real food it makes sense that the we lose the lactase enzyme or it becomes weaker. Most of Asia is lactose intolerant, interestingly. When I was in hospital in Thailand a friend who stayed with me wanted real milk and they had to go and hunt for it especially - came up as a 'special item' on the bill at the end lol.

I've always had problems with wheat causing my skin to dry out and flake like crazy - they've always been tied in to eczema and asthma for me. Fortunately the reaction isn't too bad if I don't have a constant drip of gluten in my system - one sandwich in a month, for example, is better than lots of little bits of it throughout. A family friend has sever coeliac disease and trying to get restaurants to understand he isn't one of the fad people or just has concerns over gm etc is not easy at all.

On the plus side, SW is perfect for avoiding these problems with all the food being prepared from scratch!!
I think it's scandalous just how expensive these products are, for the people who really need them! My friend came for lunch several weeks ago and she has to have gluten-free products. She told me she'd bring her own bread because the gluten-free was so expensive. I said, don't be silly but she insisted. When I next went into Sainsbury's and looked at the Free From stuff, I couldn't believe how much a loaf of bread cost! Talk about kicking folks when they're down!! I realise there's maybe specialist equipment involved in manufacturing it but I wouldn't have though it would affect the cost THAT much!


Awful isn't it? Over £3 a loaf for genius bread in the shops -cheaper stuff doesn't even taste like bread or hold together properly. The response from genius is the cost of extra equipment and specific bakeries to avoid cross contamination.
They capitalise on health fads but for diagnosed coeliacs you can get products on prescription. If I drunk milk at all I'd have to buy the inflated lacto free stuff, which is also pricey but fortunately I don't like it.
It's their products that put me off. They arent particularly healthy in an abstract sense, and they are barely an improvement on the regular product that they are modelled on. When i have ever checked the calories of weight watchers vs normal food, the calories per 100g is usually no better than normal, they just have smaller servings.

You dont HAVE to use WW products though, theyre only there as an option. Personally if Im on WW I never buy their meals, I do buy things like their pitta bread and garlic bread

Contrary to popular belief WW like SW actively promote healthy cooking from scratch, the ready meals are just handy if youre in a hurry etc but not by any manner of means essential :)
You dont HAVE to use WW products though, theyre only there as an option. Personally if Im on WW I never buy their meals, I do buy things like their pitta bread and garlic bread

Contrary to popular belief WW like SW actively promote healthy cooking from scratch, the ready meals are just handy if youre in a hurry etc but not by any manner of means essential :)

Thanks Starlight....I didn't know that. Always good to be informed.
I have tried both and definetley 100% for slimming world I have found it much easier to follow x

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I have tried both and found ww very restrictive especially with cooking for the family, making sure I had exactly the portion I had pointed for. I also often went to bed early as I was starving and had no points left. I lost 2st on ww and it has stayed off. I've joined slimming world and although it's so much easier and you have such a wide variety of food I have the feeling that I need the control of ww. I'm not losing the weight at all compared to others in my group so I'm gonna give it 4 more weeks and I'd say I'll be back to ww
I was the opposite was miserable and deprived on WW and have lost 30lbs in less than 3 months with SW
Whatever works is good...everyone is different but SW suits me best...i have friends who have lost 30 or 40 lbs on the zoe harcombe diet..a bit like atkins but i gained over a stone on just didnt suit me or my lifestyle and mixing diets is the worse..pick one and stick to its rules