Slimwannabe's diary

These things often get resolved very quickly once you get your MP involved.
Not sure if I posted on my diary but my plateau has finally moved and weighed in on fri at 13.12.8 so am now in nxt stones!

Have been working overtime all weekend, decided im gonna have to now tax credits have stopped as not bothering with them again.
Shall be awaiting their call in the morn and am ready for a fight lol xx
Well seem to have been for 2 whole days. Weighed this morn and was 14.2!! Am gonna ignore it though and blame it on totm and hope next weeks wi is below 14 again.
Gonna be a long week though!! X
Forgot to say because of this sudden increase in weight this morn it was just enough to spur me on to finally join the gym and am pleased to say I completed my 1st session today and loved it. Am hoping this will help with either my lbs losses or my inches. Fingers crossed xx
Hi Slim having struggled all week and lost less than a pound totm turned up and so did an extra 2lbs so you and me both ha ha next week will be much better. Maybe even tomorrow will be better!
God I do hope so fi. Damn mother nature lol xx
TOTM is so cruel ladies
Well done fi im rid of 2 also making me 14st exactly. Been gym twice this week but went completely off rails yesterday :(
And just been out for meal as is my 9th wedding anniversary so think ill leave wi till nxt mon as am off down van then for rest of week x
Hope you have a lovely weekend Nat :)
Thx ladies. Not like looking forward to today as have a family funeral to attend in a min.
Not really got any plans over the weekend and will refrain from weighing till mon! Xx
Fingers crossed for Monday.
And everything else crossed harry for the both of us lol xx
Good luck for tomorrow's weigh in!
Everything is ok Nat?