Well, I'm still here! Just! I have moved to working solution. If anybody can stick to total, and plenty here are able to, that is much better, let's face it, and kudos to those who do. I have to be honest, I do feel like a failure for not sticking to the total solution. But I have to pull myself up from that and say that I am doing this for me, and doing it my way, which includes a lot of trips at the moment, but I just want to hang in there, as best I can.
Personally, my life over the last week has improved, probably in the small things, but they upped my "YES!!!" factor hugely. I FOUND my little boy's sucky toy, and had to restrain myself from bursting into tears and joyfully snogging the bemused looking young cinema attendant who handed it to me.
Oooh no never, ever feel a failure! You always have to do what works for you, always! WS is a fantastic plan and still low cal and low carb, I have no doubt in my mind that I will have some WS days, we do what we need to do to tackle our own journeys
Well done on getting back on it! Failure is giving up, and you haven't! You've taken control and found away forward - that's amazing! Good luck for this week!! X