Ha ha yeah Ive been ging on about trying them all week, not got round to it yet

Im not much of dessert person really, more a carbophile
Having said that Ive just tried to make that strawberry/coconut/custard thing out of last months mag and totally screwed it up... :sigh: I intended to only make half as theres just the 2 of us, but I only had a 250g thing of custard so bunged it all in, made it up then realised I had nothing remotely suitable to put it in (not being a dessert person and all that). Eventually pulled out some old pots Id kept from a supermarket flan or summat and thought ah, thatll do, but they were so huge it looked really measly after doing the first half of the recipe, so I thought 'Ohhhh sod it, Ill double the portions, still only 7 syns each...' - by the time Id added the strawberries and puree and all the other gubbins it was overflowing, huge, dripping everywhere... had to put the bowl inside-another-bowl...looks like a Megacustard...
I think Im gonna just pretend its meant to be like that and its a romantic dessert-to-share or something... I dunno, one spoon between us or summat...
I am so absolutely useless at desserts, they dont suit me. Pass the fish & chips. (Don't forget the scraps).