Thanks guys! I was so tired when I got in all I wanted was to crawl into bed with chips, something to do with travelling just makes you not want to eat healthy!
Aaah Friday how I love and hate thee. Hurray for no work but boo for trying to stick to the diet with all that free time! Luckily my college course starts back after Christmas break tomorrow so that's 10-2 accounted for I'm just eating my dinner then I think I'll clean the bathroom before washing my hair and heading for the land of nod!
I'm normally down the pub on a Friday night and again on a Saturday for the football. Not so much fun when you can't eat or drink! Will keep busy by going for a swim and clearing out the loft. How exciting lol
I think it is only when you are doing a diet like this that you realise just how much time was spent thinking about, preparing and eating food. I seem to have loads of time on my hands now and there is only so many times I can vacuum the house!! I do have a raft of books to get through so I may start on those - once I'm into a good read I can spend hours with my nose stuck in there.
Haha everyone's house is going to be so clean in a months time!
Good idea about the books. I got a new kindle last year for holiday and haven't really got it back out since. Think I will do that tonight
Just tried the vanilla cupcakes. Not too bad, nice for a change. The topping is very very strong and you need less than there is in the pack I think. Not sure I'll make them a regular but as I said, nice for a change
The convenience is one reason I'm doing this - I have so much going on in my head/life atm it's easier just to bung something in a bowl and microwave it. At least with exante I know what I'm bunging in is good for me!
I was looking at the pizzas and cupcakes yesterday, smidge. The cupcakes do look quite nice, might get them eventually.
The convenience is one reason I'm doing this - I have so much going on in my head/life atm it's easier just to bung something in a bowl and microwave it. At least with exante I know what I'm bunging in is good for me!
It's weigh in day! Drum roll please............. 3lb off
I'm not totally happy as I was hoping for 4lb but 3lb off is better than 3lb on! Not sure how the next week is going to be as I have dinner out Tuesday. It is only indian so I will just have the chicken tikka pieces with salad, no carbs. Hope that will make a minimal difference and I will lose another 3-4lb next week to stay on track. Must make sure I go to the gym at least 3 times as well
As tempted as I am I am not going to go off plan even though a little disappointed, that would just be counterproductive!
You're right ladies, thank you for the pep talk I love hearing it's not just me when things don't go right!
Managed to stick to plan today and 'treated' myself to a cookies and cream bar lol also tried a Dr Pepper zero but it tastes funny with ketosis taste buds so think I'll go back to sparkling water. Just eating my curry and rice for dinner then get some bits ready for work/gym tomorrow.
Good day today, two shakes and a black bean pot. Added a splash of soy to the black bean but didn't notice any difference so won't bother next time.
Also been down the gym so feeling quite tired but it's all worth it. Starting to feel better in myself and looking in the mirror. I'm sure there isn't a huge difference yet but I can definatly feel my clothes starting to loosen off too.
Looking forward to getting back into some old clothes now but don't think I'll upset myself by trying anything on until at least a month is done!
I'm the same wrt clothes - although my jeans were very tight and they're more comfy now do fingers crossed that's a good sign! Well done keeping at it today. X
Started off with shake and a jam crunch bar for lunch but then it was curry night with the girls so I skipped my last pack and had chicken tikka pieces with salad instead - yum! I didn't have poppadoms or a starter so I'm classing that as sticking to plan and I burnt off half of it at the gym beforehand
Back on it 100% tomorrow and then until next Friday when I've got a belated work Christmas do where I will have to eat but I think I have chosen quite sensibly off the menu and although I might go out of ketosis I won't put on any weight.
Feeling really happy today after spending some time with the girls, just what I needed
well done smidge for sticking to the plan & glad you enjoyed your night out, I also had two packs today & a piece of chicken, I'm still not feeling 100% as my hacking cough turns out to be a chest infection & my body was telling me I need some chicken !!
chicken and salad def counts as sticking to the plan! I love the idea of a xmas do in late January! quite nice really, to have a little party after evrything's gotten boring again. What are you having (I take it not roast turkey!).