Smiley's Diary

Nothing to be done I'm afraid. Tummy rumbling is caused when the intestine has finished digesting everything it can, and it sends a message to the stomach saying 'Can you just check to see if there's any more food in there?' so the stomach has a little wobble to get everything out of the corners. Unfortunately, for us LipoTrimmers, that cupboard is bare, so the message gets re-sent and re-sent until the next meal turns up.

I know you lucky ladies get three meals a day - maybe try holding out for the lunchtime one until the rumbling starts from breakfast; that might delay the afternoon ones a bit?
Thats amazing well done
Yum, had first chicken soup for tea. I hadn't realised how much I was craving salt until I tasted it!
Close call this morning - working an early shift, and blearily typed the code for a coffee with milk into the machine. Luckily I realised what I had done immediately, so I tipped it away, no harm done.

Early shift is tricky, because I don't want to have my breakfast shake at 6 o'clock, but I can't really leave the office until close to 10, which is getting a bit late. Not feeling hungry yet, and the coffee (black this time!) is helping a bit. It's only a couple of hours, and I'm busy, so I'll just stop thinking about it.
Day IX

So yesterday started off brilliantly with the weigh-in, then trouble at work got me stressed out (I have a MUCH shorter temper on LipoTrim) and combined with selfish people sitting feet away with smelly food.

I had to get out of the office and go for a walk, and I realised that that was exactly the sort of feeling that would have me marching down to the supermarket and buying a bag full of sandwiches. So I decided I would power walk into town and buy a book instead. Felt good to stride past all the pasty shops and burger bars - I could feel my addiction wanting to break my will but I had it beat, ha!

When I got back to the office I felt much better, and the bit of office politics that had been causing me stress had gone away - turns out that people were quite shocked to see Mr Calm storm out of the office, and they assumed that they'd all been really unreasonable! Little do they know I was just hungry! I've also sorted out the drinking water at work, and this has made a big difference to the thirsty feeling.

Having survived the coffee machine this morning, I went and sat in my car to eat my brekky vanilla shake. I don't think I could eat it in the office - it's too personal somehow. Feel hungry right now, which is probably caused by the messed up schedule, but I can finish work, drive home and listen to the tennis, and then it will be time for tea, so it shold be survivable. Rumbly Tumbly is registering 3 on the Richter scale though! So embarassing...
SmileyMan said:
Day IX

So yesterday started off brilliantly with the weigh-in, then trouble at work got me stressed out (I have a MUCH shorter temper on LipoTrim) and combined with selfish people sitting feet away with smelly food.

I had to get out of the office and go for a walk, and I realised that that was exactly the sort of feeling that would have me marching down to the supermarket and buying a bag full of sandwiches. So I decided I would power walk into town and buy a book instead. Felt good to stride past all the pasty shops and burger bars - I could feel my addiction wanting to break my will but I had it beat, ha!

When I got back to the office I felt much better, and the bit of office politics that had been causing me stress had gone away - turns out that people were quite shocked to see Mr Calm storm out of the office, and they assumed that they'd all been really unreasonable! Little do they know I was just hungry! I've also sorted out the drinking water at work, and this has made a big difference to the thirsty feeling.

Having survived the coffee machine this morning, I went and sat in my car to eat my brekky vanilla shake. I don't think I could eat it in the office - it's too personal somehow. Feel hungry right now, which is probably caused by the messed up schedule, but I can finish work, drive home and listen to the tennis, and then it will be time for tea, so it shold be survivable. Rumbly Tumbly is registering 3 on the Richter scale though! So embarassing...

Hi Smiley, you are doing great, I have the same thing at the office crisp and crap everywhere OMG really trying times but hey I just think eating these foods will not make me feel as good as being slim .
Keep it up I get the rumbling tummy on week 3 ha and can be moody :) x
Day XI

Friday night McD's test passed with flying colours. Realised that by not stopping and sitting in the queue I probably save myself 20 minutes of journey time. 20 minutes more with my family is worth more than eating processed rubbish to make an American rich. And by not eating and drinking while driving I'm safer too. When I got home, the kitchen was filthy again, but I cleaned it up and then baked some bread. This is my new obsession - I'm going to spend my fast becoming a master baker, using touch and smell alone!!!

Saturday was super-stressful. Eldest son is leaving on an 'adventure sports' holiday, and the combination of 14yo boy gormlessness and Asperger syndrome made packing for the trip an uphill struggle to say the least. Still, everyone enjoyed the bread until the flipping dog nicked half a loaf off of the side. Very tempted to buy a kennel.

Got to the evening, and was trying to go through the kit list for the fourth time, and I realised that I was very very cranky. Luckily I used to have a diabetic boss, so I recognised that I must be totally out of blood sugar and quickly made up my evening shake. Hadn't realised that I had got to 9pm without eating, which is a good sign I guess, but need to be careful and plan shake times a bit better, because If I'd been caught out like that somewhere where I couldn't make one up it would have been bad.

Baking more bread this morning - I'll make sure to keep this out of reach of snaffling. Had a bit of a realisation that the amount of time I have to spend on this diet is stretching off into the future, but it's not depressing, just a challenge, and I know how amazing I'll look and feel at the other end, so I've just got to keep going one day at a time.

Also I'd like to suggest a damehood for E.L James! ;)
SmileyMan said:
Day XI

Friday night McD's test passed with flying colours. Realised that by not stopping and sitting in the queue I probably save myself 20 minutes of journey time. 20 minutes more with my family is worth more than eating processed rubbish to make an American rich. And by not eating and drinking while driving I'm safer too. When I got home, the kitchen was filthy again, but I cleaned it up and then baked some bread. This is my new obsession - I'm going to spend my fast becoming a master baker, using touch and smell alone!!!

Saturday was super-stressful. Eldest son is leaving on an 'adventure sports' holiday, and the combination of 14yo boy gormlessness and Asperger syndrome made packing for the trip an uphill struggle to say the least. Still, everyone enjoyed the bread until the flipping dog nicked half a loaf off of the side. Very tempted to buy a kennel.

Got to the evening, and was trying to go through the kit list for the fourth time, and I realised that I was very very cranky. Luckily I used to have a diabetic boss, so I recognised that I must be totally out of blood sugar and quickly made up my evening shake. Hadn't realised that I had got to 9pm without eating, which is a good sign I guess, but need to be careful and plan shake times a bit better, because If I'd been caught out like that somewhere where I couldn't make one up it would have been bad.

Baking more bread this morning - I'll make sure to keep this out of reach of snaffling. Had a bit of a realisation that the amount of time I have to spend on this diet is stretching off into the future, but it's not depressing, just a challenge, and I know how amazing I'll look and feel at the other end, so I've just got to keep going one day at a time.

Also I'd like to suggest a damehood for E.L James! ;)

Hi Smiley, your doing great and it makes it so much easier when you think of how amazing you will look and feel once your at target xx
I am loving E.L James taking my mind of food of an evening lol :)

Yesterday's bread was apparently much nicer than Saturday's effort. Looking forward to eating some when I finally come off. My youngest son got up at six in the morning to bake bread with me, which was lovely - those father and son moments are so hard to come by in modern life. Hoping to make that a weekly fixture.

So it was the day of tempation from start to finish. As part of my committment to 're-training' the family, I roast some chicken breast and a bacon joint, then sliced them up for sandwich fillings for the week. It is stupidly hard not to just pop a bit of ham in your gob, or worse a lump of fatty crackling. Thank quantum for the dogs, who so far are enjoying my diet very much. Of course, half a century ago a family dog would have been fed entirely on scraps, rather than expensive dog food.

Then it was roast dinner, and this week the smell was fantastic. Youngest daughter made a lemon and lime cake, which looked heavenly. I had a vanilla shake that I mixed badly so it was all lumpy. Sigh! But the kids are being really supportive, and even Mrs Smiley is coming around.

Woke up late this morning with a sleep apnoea headache, which is horrible. Haven't had morning shake yet, because those headaches make me quite nauseous, so had a couple of aspirin and will have a late morning shake and then try and reset the body clock at dinnertime. Stopping snoring would be the best result ever.

Looking forward to weigh-in because I'm feeling a bit demotivated at the moment. I want another big result this week, and I know the only way to get it is to stay 100%. A bit of bloody sunshine wouldn't hurt the mood either.

Onwards and thinwards!

What a weird day yesterday. Remind me not to have breakfast late again - it totally messed up my day. I didn't want to have the evening shake at all, and had to force myself to chug it down at about 11pm. Could easily have done without it, but 'messed up meal patterns' are as much a part of my old bad habits as the junk food and the snacks.

Didn't want this morning's either, probably because last night's was so late, but I had it at the proper time, so hopefully all should be well now. Feel brilliant at work today, loads of energy, not hungry, keeping on top of the thirst with regular cups of water. Had a chat around the coffee machine with some dieting ladies!

Going to pop out to the shops later to pick up some nice trainers for walking in. Time to up the exercise a bit.
Your diary is fantastic SmileyMan! Actually made me laugh out loud at points. You are doing so well - what a weight loss in the first week!

Also had a wry smile re your Aspergers comment. I'm doing my PhD on communication and autism, and have worked with children with asd for many years. Patience is a virtue and patience while on LT must be worth a knighthood!

Well done on such a great start - I hope I can be as gracious in my next couple of weeks.
Grrr, having to work late in the office now. Another danger moment - this is where the vending machine would usually get a visit. Luckily I had the foresight to not have any money on me!

Slight set-back last night; the planned walk didn't happen because I chickened out. Rain didn't help, but really it was a fear of being seen in public looking the way I do. Pathetic, really, and I'll do better tonight.

I've started to get a bit of back pain, which I think might be related to the rapid change in body weight. My spine probably think's I've moved to Mars or something! Nothing to worry about though.

Didn't feel like eating the evening shake again last night. This diet is insane! I can't believe how 'not hungry' I am.

Weigh day tomorrow. I didn't use the home scales this week, so I'm really looking forward to it. My head knows that I won't have the same loss as last week, but my heart secretly wishes to prove my head wrong!
Your doing really well and your diary is great good luck for tommorrow
Walk done, 0.95 miles in 15:41, average 3.63mph. Aim is to get that over 4mph, then start extending the range until 4miles.