Day XI
Friday night McD's test passed with flying colours. Realised that by not stopping and sitting in the queue I probably save myself 20 minutes of journey time. 20 minutes more with my family is worth more than eating processed rubbish to make an American rich. And by not eating and drinking while driving I'm safer too. When I got home, the kitchen was filthy again, but I cleaned it up and then baked some bread. This is my new obsession - I'm going to spend my fast becoming a master baker, using touch and smell alone!!!
Saturday was super-stressful. Eldest son is leaving on an 'adventure sports' holiday, and the combination of 14yo boy gormlessness and Asperger syndrome made packing for the trip an uphill struggle to say the least. Still, everyone enjoyed the bread until the flipping dog nicked half a loaf off of the side. Very tempted to buy a kennel.
Got to the evening, and was trying to go through the kit list for the fourth time, and I realised that I was very very cranky. Luckily I used to have a diabetic boss, so I recognised that I must be totally out of blood sugar and quickly made up my evening shake. Hadn't realised that I had got to 9pm without eating, which is a good sign I guess, but need to be careful and plan shake times a bit better, because If I'd been caught out like that somewhere where I couldn't make one up it would have been bad.
Baking more bread this morning - I'll make sure to keep this out of reach of snaffling. Had a bit of a realisation that the amount of time I have to spend on this diet is stretching off into the future, but it's not depressing, just a challenge, and I know how amazing I'll look and feel at the other end, so I've just got to keep going one day at a time.
Also I'd like to suggest a damehood for E.L James!