Snow's umpteenth weight loss thread

Yes - so much water, peppermint tea and diet pop - even without the flaxseed I have found I am constantly thirsty on this diet (which is supposed to be because you either use more electrolytes on low carb or don't get as many) either way I am also taking a zero-calorie electrolyte supplement (in water)

Work remains hectic so I barely get a chance to get on here.
B: Flaxseed porridge
L: Prawns and avocado in homemade cocktail sauce, (full-fat mayo and no added sugar ketchup and paprika)
D: Chicken curry and green beans

Roasted nuts, keto "nutella", cheese snack,

Got more details about the work trip - the hotel has a pool which would be an ideal way for me to get back into swimming, (I have been looking at rejoining a gym with a pool) but I'm a little horrified about the idea of seeing any of the other work people at the pool.
Flying visit this morning, foodv similar to yesterday but no flaxseed today.
B: canteen treat. 6 bits of bacon
L: Prawns and avocado in homemade cocktail sauce, (full-fat mayo and no added sugar ketchup and paprika)
D: Chicken curry and green beans

Roasted nuts, cheese, peanut speculoos cookies which I made last night. (Pic attached)


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The cookies look fab, taste good?

Re the pool - I'm the first to be overwhelmed by my poor body image and just want to hide, but I miss out on so much - so please don't worry about that stuff - if someone does see you I bet they're thinking "Good on her for getting some exercise". We are WAY too hard on ourselves!
I've talked myself into taking a costume (assuming I have one I fit in) so will give the pool a go. I may also be away next week - I'm meant to be on a training course but it may be reassigned now i've got this conference to go to as boss tries to share travel opportunities out - will find out tomorrow as the other interested party was on leave this week.

I have come down with a stinking cold which I blame on work which is really unfortunate as my sister is home from London this week but staying at my parents and I can't go over there with a cold as my mother is immunocompromised.

Food this weekend has been accordingly a bit odd because it's what I can be bothered to make

B: nothing (IF)
L: pack of bacon, and a praline cream thing i whipped up with cream, hazelnut butter and chocolate inulin syrup
D: 2 chilli bratwurst and some goats cheese

Pork crackling

Breakfast nothing again but I had a bulletproof coffee about one
L: I had a aldi mature cheese bake with pork crackling and bratwurst dipped in (amazing)
D: no idea - may just eat cream to get my fat/calories up.

I have been using first defence all weekend and today while i'm not great - I feel more like i'm on day 5 or 6 than day 3? which is good. (But i may have to knock it on the head as I'm now having nose bleeds.) I normally need a week or so to kick a cold so it's progress.

I stayed the same today which i'm fine with giving my last few results and my weird eating over the weekend and the cold. I do have new scales coming today (amazon hidden deal on smart scales - could not resist) so I am interested to see what they say (I am ridiculous that if they show a gain, I'm ignoring it as new scales but if they show a loss I would be like clearly I've lost since this morning. )

I worked from home today and logged off early because of the nose bleeds. (I do not want to have to explain that to IT) I have had a bulletproof coffee and a cheese snack - so this is definitely an IF day - I am going to try and make something to eat for tea.
Oh you poor thing, I didn't experience nosebleeds! But I think you're not supposed to use it for more than three days anyway?

LOL on your rationale for the new scales - exactly what I'd do!

And you're welcome to the BPCs - I really didn't like them, but happily I'm able to devour huge quantities of bacon and eggs instead LOL.
The nosebleeds have stopped now - I do occasionally get them anyway with bad colds but I had a few - someone at work said it did the same to her, it could just be my sinuses.

The new scales weighed a little heavier than the scales last night but exactly the same this morning so I got away with nothing there but it's a nice confirmation. Also while I have 12 stone as a target here (which is high as I can get to just be in the healthy BMI category while suspecting that's a little low for me) but according to the smart scale my lean body mass (muscle and bone) are nearly 15 stone on their own - but obviously that's a while off anyway.

I don't like them either haha I bought MCT oil as it was listed as a keto low carb essential when I was starting - I have one on days when I'm fat/calorie low. I will not be repurchasing - I'm happy to just have cream in my coffee.

B: Flaxseed Porridge
L: Hot smoked salmon fillet and a keto chocolate pudding I made (cream, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, sweetener) it is amazing but so rich.
D: Burgers and edam crisps

Pork crackling
Question re the flaxseed - does it make you bloat at all or (sorry) get windy? I can't eat porridge at all these days now or by lunchtime I'm ready to join a brass band :D.
B: full fat yogurt and no sugar jam
L: hot smoked salmon fillet and chocolate pudding
D: I have chicken breast to use up so might try almond chicken coupons. Or I might just make curry we'll see

Edam crisps (these are so easy to make and would be great with a dip) literally already sliced exam baked on a silicone mat for 12-15 mins pic attached!
Pork crackling
I'm off work today and planning to pop round to Aldi for supplies, attempt some flaxseed bread and maybe have toast for lunch, then going to my parents and then to a friends which means it'll be bunless smash burger for tea. (I mean if the bread works out i could take some? Maybe.

L: Hopefully toast
D: bunless burger

Whatever I get at my mums (aka low carb central)
Flaxseed bread in the oven!

It looks soo much like scan bran cake off when i was on slimming world. Which has made me think that scan bran (being entirely made of fucking fibre) might be low carb too. I could make scan bran cake but with nicer ingredients (ie butter and low carb milk instead of yogurt!
Ha that is the net carbs but you only need 5 scan bran for an entire cake and they are 3.32 per scan bran so 16g of carbs for a whole cake is not bad. (assuming none of your other ingredients have carbs)

Well I was going to report the loaf was a fail. Looks amazing. Smells amazing. Tastes like straight flaxseed though on the plus side - doesn't taste of egg. And I was like ugh. But I had cut two slices had one with butter and just couldn't get past the flaxseed taste. But on the off chance it was savable I covered the second on in stute diabetic jam (this looks like it's high carb but it doesn't list the polyoils from the sweetener so you can just use the carbs that sugar making this 4-5g of carbs per 100g) and it was much better once i drowned out the over whelming flaxseed taste.

If I made it again I would add things to overwhelm the flaxseed, sweetener and cinnamon or spice for a sweet variation or some garlic or strong cheese or bacon for a savoury - but for now I'll cover it in jam. Very simple recipe too - I will stick it in the Keto recipe thread in a min!

I remember putting LOTS of mixed herbs in with my mix (this is going back years).

What about toasting it? I used to use those toaster bags for it.
I remember putting LOTS of mixed herbs in with my mix (this is going back years).

What about toasting it? I used to use those toaster bags for it.
It was toasted. I took it over to my parents for my dad to try as hes low carbing too and my dad and sister liked it. My sister who has a gluten allergy said all gluten free bread tastes like that. (Felt very sad for her then) and my dad is just excited to have toast for breakfast so i left it with them and I'll remake with added bits for me then slice and freeze for toast with jam.
Also while there my mum was making crepes using the batter recipe I got off Facebook for low carb Yorkshire pudding and they were amazing and tasted just like real crepes so will be making them later today and sticking the recipe in the recipe thread.