SnS to Slimming World


Silver Member
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyones ever switched to SW after SnS, i know id have to re-feed for a week and then go on the Red days as its low carb at first, im not leaving yet, probz in a month if im honest, going to wait to see if i love the new flavours and if i do im deffo staying another 4 week, im just so BORED! of the same packs and food packs and the soups make me puke! blergh! lol i love the bars but there not filling and i miss cous cous and pasta so much =[ i dont want to eat crap i just want to eat lol
any advice?
Chellywelly said:
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyones ever switched to SW after SnS, i know id have to re-feed for a week and then go on the Red days as its low carb at first, im not leaving yet, probz in a month if im honest, going to wait to see if i love the new flavours and if i do im deffo staying another 4 week, im just so BORED! of the same packs and food packs and the soups make me puke! blergh! lol i love the bars but there not filling and i miss cous cous and pasta so much =[ i dont want to eat crap i just want to eat lol
any advice?

That was I was initially planning on doing, but then I found JUDDD! Looks good, and Stef who did S&S has transferred over too. Have a read of the JUDDD sub forum on here-I'm thinking of doing it in a few stones time :) x

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yer im almost a size 14 jeans! everyelse a size 14 but those pesky jeans and my fat arse dont mix haha almost fastened them today, but i looked like homer simpson when i did lol, i loved slimming world but at the time i felt like i was that big i needed a quick fix, now im not so fat anymore i think i can relax whilst im on it :) thanks for the info x
I know how you feel!

I could end up switching diet sooner than I thought. Mainly because I went off all the meal packs weeks ago (as of tomorrow I will have completed week 12 on S&S) so I ended up buying 5 weeks worth of just porridge, shakes and bars. But I now only like 3 of the bars and when I say like it just means they don't make me gag lol... I've never eaten one and thought "mmm nice" lol. And in the past 2ish weeks I've also gone off the porridge. So, it looks like my next order will mainly consist of shakes and a few bars (excluding vanilla and the berry one as I dislike them)... And to be totally honest, not sure if I could cope because when I did exante with just shakes I quit during week 3!

I'm definitely gonna give it a bl**dy good go though and see if I cope ok. But if not, then I could start JUDDD earlier than I thought (I have been thinking of doing it once I only have another 1-2 stone left to lose). Ok now I am rambling :D
I feel the same, i've been doing this for a 10 days now and i'm already fed up with the meals. I only like the shakes, bars and porridge so far. The meals make me gag. I was going to try and do for 12 weeks but i may only do for about 6 weeks. I was going try and cut down on my own after i have done for a few weeks. I miss sitting with the family and having meals with them.
Lol same I keep binging too which is bad I hate this diet now! Miss been normal lol