Thats probably a build up, i suffer from constipation when in m
Not on cd. And i would take dulxolax or senna, and i find if i havent been to toilette for a few days when i take them i wake with severe cramps, but when i finally go to the toilette they ease off. U would maybe try and take one every three or so days if your feeling a bit slow. Thats what i would usually do even off cd, makes its less painful. I took one thurs nite ad i was same, took it at 10pm and it took ages to work i was up at 7 fri had been into town yo fetch mu dad from work ( something im afraid of when ive taken one) and it wad on the drive to work at 9am i literaly jusy got to work in time. Dont give up your doing great!
I dont know if any one else is the same but im feeling great, no hunger and sticking really well BUT having so.mucb trouble sleeping!! Cant drift off, wake every few.hours wake too ealry then when i get up its like im zombiefied so tired puffy eyes feel like ****!!