Wow Sarah, I check in to see how you are getting on and he has been born!!!!! Well done you

He is absolutely gorgeous, how heavy was he, I have read the last weeks posts I must have missed it somewhere???
Well done on the weight front too, I still havent got batteries for m6y scales so no idea where I am weight wise but I am back in pre pregnancy clothes, but I have a bump around my waistline that I didn't have previously and it seems quite solid so will have to ask about that one LOL.
Hope you are not too sore, I had an episiotomy on my 1st and my stiches burst after a couple of days so I know how uncomfortable it can be, try taking some Arnica tablets they are wonderful at helping the healing process I am pretty sure you can take them while breastfeeding too but you will want to check with your MW.
Take care, hugs to you and baby Thomas, fab name by the way, my DS2 is Thomas