has a thin girl inside!
My incentives at the moment are quite big. Probably too big!
After struggling with my depression for the last 18 months, slowly getting worse, I had to give up my job, lost my bf, moved back in with my parents at 24 where we dont really get on and ended up in a&e two weeks ago with a really strong urge to kill myself.
So I know being slim will not solve all of this, but by eating healthier I will have more energy, therefore be able to deal and cope with my depression more. This means that I can then potentially get a job, become more independent again. Me and my ex are still talking and taking things slow. He could not cope with my depression. I hope that by getting myself fit and well again, we could have another go. We both still love each other, just couldnt cope with each other.
Obviously its more complicated than that. That was a very quick over view! But eating healthier might get me my life back. Thats a massive incentive right now. In a years time everything could be completely different. Wish me luck xx
That is an amazingly brave thing to share with everyone! Well done you!!
Weight loss wont solve everything but like u said it might help with self confidence and it can be a positive thing for you! - Who would have thought loosing something could be so positive!
Do you have a diary? I will come have a nosey if you do xx