Completly agree with the above comments, I was the same, Drinking years ago was just on the weekends when having a night out with friends/husband and then over the years having a glass of wine once the kids were in bed become a nightly thing. As the weight crept on so did the change in my face where i thought i had aged. I am 32. Even said to hubby i wanted Botox! I definalty noticed a massive difference since i started to cut down and apart from one night on easter weekend where i shared a bottle of red wine wth a friend i have been booze free. I have noticed my skin in clearer, my nails are growing and my hair is glossier. I have been making sure i mosturise night and day and its working. The weekend i did have that wine as well as easter eggs i stayed the same. I was gutted but it was my fault. Now i back on a roll. Once i hit target i will bring having a drink back but only on weekends and drinking in the house is from now on a definatly No apart from christmas. Not because of losing weight etc but as a general health issue x