How are you doing on your first day, finding the shakes ok?
Well this weekend was my 1st on the diet and it was difficult deciding what to do as i'm either out on the tiles or sitting in with friends, a dvd and takeaway on fri and sat nights.. So instead went to a friends, watched a dvd and had a pamper night! Also occupied myself shopping and looking at all the clothes i'm going to buy when i'm slim!
Hiya oh sounds like a great weekend, I'm literally just in the door had such a busy day around town and in a friends with my baby, after all my boasting about her about how great she is and smiley etc she made a total liar out of me and cried and whinged constantly, I have a little diva on my hands she's keeping me so busy tho its going to make the diet a bit easier hopefully! My friend was saying she's getting a dvd and take away tonight and I was like Oooh me too, then u remembered it'll be more like a shake and I dvd!