Well thank you for all the lovely comments about my dress, i'm still super excited, i can't wait to see it. Never did start today but will defo start tomorrow. I am back at work tomorrow (I Think) i've been off for almost 2 weeks although i went back in for one day in the middle, and i've been signed off for the last week with acute broncitus and i'm not sure if my sick note includes tomorrow, so i'm just going in to be safe, been bored stiff at home anyway. Its my birthday next month and i'm getting a bike so i can cycle to work, but i'm a bit worried people will laugh at the fat bird on the bike :sigh:
Anyway tomorrow is a short day at work, well 9-5.00 which is short for me, i might join group tonight, not to sure. I have found that slimming world are alot nicer when it comes to shift workers then weight watchers were. I dunno, can you tell i'm still as decisive as ever? right to bed i go because i'm blooming shattered,