points allowed today: 19.5
Yesterdays food was a bit mix and match, I didnt have a lot during the day, but then I had a subway in the evening, so ill see how things point out. im back to my exercise today, ive still had head rushes, but I dont want to keep on wondering if they'll happen again. So,
2x CA bread - 1
low cal spread- .5
Marmite - 0
low fat yogart - 2
Skips - 1.5
Apple bake Bar - 1.5
2 Glasses of WW White Wine - 3
Footlong Veggie Delight (Wheat bread, lettuce, cucumber and Tomato, with light mayo) - I did eat the foot long but im pointing half for today and then half for tomorrow(3 for the sub, one for the mayo)
Cookie - 4.5
Points : 18
(points carried over :1.5)
I did lots of dancing, I really enjoyed the night out actually, I was quite pleased I had 2 glasses of WW Wine, and then when i went into town I had water all night, was great fun and my feet hurt now from dancing.
I bought a dark chocolate Bounty bar which comes in two halfs, ive pointed that and its 6 pts, so im going to have one half on Monday so ill be having 18 on Monday, and the other half Tuesday so 18 on Tuesday aswell