I'll be staying on and i'm going to keep on my old diary until i'm told to do otherwise!!! : ) x
Deezer Gold Member 17 November 2011 #21 I'll be staying on and i'm going to keep on my old diary until i'm told to do otherwise!!! : ) x
Shivie On a mission! 18 November 2011 #22 Deezer said: I'll be staying on and i'm going to keep on my old diary until i'm told to do otherwise!!! : ) x Click to expand... As if anyone would mess with the Deezer!
Deezer said: I'll be staying on and i'm going to keep on my old diary until i'm told to do otherwise!!! : ) x Click to expand... As if anyone would mess with the Deezer!
Deezer Gold Member 18 November 2011 #23 Shivie said: As if anyone would mess with the Deezer! Click to expand... :8855::8855::8855: