Stayed the same on scales today which wasn't a surprise considering my 2lb loss from yesterday. So 9st 8lb it is! Just 4lb to go (I keep moving the goalposts) until I'm happy(ish). Today so far:-
B: oatbran porridge made with light soya milk
L: 2 boiled eggs, chicken, and one solitary mushroom!
I'm going to have a medley of prawns and chicken for my tea, cooked in garlic and chilli!
Having porridge for my tea! nothing else thawed out! Fingers crossed won't be sabotaging today's efforts! Just been shopping to stock up for next week. Farmfoods sell BIG bags of king prawns for £5.95 and they are gorgeous. A full bag lasts me about four days and I nibble on them as fillers in-between meals and throw a few in an omelette. Also at farmfoods they do bags of frozen cooked chicken Brest pieces @ £2 per bag. Perfect cold or warmed up, used in a curry etc. Just thought id share it with you all!
Good morning all!! Scales tell me I am 9st 5lb today! Woo hoo!! Been excellent all week (apart from Monday, when I went for a delicious Indian meal). Only one pound to go to conso! Hope I don't wreck it over the weekend!
Good girl! Remember how close you are to Conso (when you'll be able to add some yummy extras) and let that be your motivation for being good this weekend.
Soozy well done! Awesome effort. Stick with it and you'll be enjoying your cheese sandwiches very soon! At least that's what was the best part for me at the start!