Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

Nothing wrong with low fat, on plan cinema snacks mate. I know they're extra calories, but don't stress too much about that. Better them than a big bar of chocolate or ice cream or something :)

Must be a pain having a deadline extended, especially when there's nothing you can do until they get back to you. You must be on pins waiting for a reply?!

You doing anything nice this evening?x
Have literally been waiting around for 24hrs for her feedback :'( I dont want to get writing etc as I know it'll kill me to tare away from that to finish the editing lol. She is really stressed out as she has her exhibition next week which is what the video is for...

I worked on the sound design today which is a bit half arsed to be honest but she didnt breif me on the idea until after we shot it, it gets messy on top of the music so I am sticking to simple. Wondering if I should go ahead and do the colour grade now knowing that later I will have to redo bits with complications after her changes... Or just wait and do it all later...
Probably quicker to do option A but way more effort and frustration *sigh*!!

Oh- I dont really mind healthy snacking at the cinema but yesterday I was full from a big chinese a couple of hours before so shouldnt have really!
Finally went to the loo today though, thank goodness!

Period has had the better of me today so just having a PJ day with lots of painkillers, attempting editing in a dragged out way as totally unmotivated and eating cereals. Tried the rude health honey oats (gluten free) and it is auh a great texture to have with a bit of golden syrup (isnt sweet on its own at all!) and as it is just oats and alight honey glaze I recon I can HexB that with a syn or two.

Kitten is asleep in the cutest position next to me... Isnt it lovely how animals can sleep in ridiculous positions?! :D

So food so far (at 5pm) has been two small apples, two bananas and two bowls of cereal (one rice and one hexB oats) in the same portion of hexA milk.
Had waaay too much cereal today :rolleyes: oops! Like 4 bowls!! But guess two can be Hex'd for oats and milk, the other two were rice.

Got angry at client this eve and just comfort ate and had loads of fruit and veg too, but mainly cereal instead of meals today. Off plan day but not too bad. Tomorrow is sister's bday so will be some cake probably but Mon am going to do some strict Red days!
Ugh, poor you, period time sucks. I've been suffering with mine and it's not pretty at all! I've been such a grouch this weekend poor old Chris has been hiding away in the spare room to get away from me! :D

Waiting round for other people is crappy, I bet you just want to get it all finished and get on to your next project - bloody clients!

Hope you enjoyed your sisters birthday today, good luck with the red days next week. I'm back on the red wagon after I've finished my casserole off tomorrow! xx
I think too much cereal is nowhere near as bad as too much chocolate! It could have been so much worse ;)

I remember how horrid periods can be, I haven't had one for around 8 years now (contraceptive choices) and I don't know if I could cope with them again :eek:. Is the client now placated or should we start making voodoo dolls?
Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by everyone :D
Man, no periods would be awesome- shame I'm so sh*t phobic of needles!

My sister’s 12[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday today was a bit dull; just family sitting around, not much excitement as everyone was sober. We only stayed about 2.5 hours despite the 40min drive there and back!
Anwyay, I enjoyed getting dolled up… Sadly I spend most days in my PJ’s as 90% of the work I do is editing at home :p so it is always nice to get prettied up… I wore a new primarni dress which has polkadot hearts on it and bright red tights, red lipstick, red waist belt… Again was flooded with comments from my family- seems like they are in utter disbelief and sadly it’s getting a bit boring now LOL… It’s like they’re saying “You used to be so unattractive…” because there’s a strange bitterness in the wording… I don’t know :p I’m happy people are noticing of course! But at the same time I’ve had this the past like 6 times I’ve seen them and it’s just a bit embarrassing now :rolleyes: G agreed that it is kinda in that disbelief tone...! It's not just me being ungrateful...! Heh... There's no pleasing me eh? :D

I was quite good with food! Lots of party snacks around but none that exciting. Had a couple of chocolate raisins, a hula hoop and the icing from a slice of chocolate cake (so maybe like 1/5 of a slice worth of cake in total, wasn’t that great really!) so maybe 6 syns for all that? Then had 2 chicken drumsticks with the skin removed, some hoummus (another 6 syns maybe, totally worth it!) and salad with a 40cal/tablespoon dressing (+2) so that’s about 14 syns ish! Probably 15. It was a small amount though considering that was my intake for the whole day! Other than that, I had an apple in the morning, and that’s it! Ate around 4pm other than the apple so guess that did me well for the day, pretty low cal really… despite the bit of cake.

I had some chicken that was about to pass it’s best date so cooked that up tonight for tomorrow- made it spicy with lots of onions, peppers, grated carrot and courgette. Tasted quite fajita-y so will have that with some quark (as sour cream) and shredded iceburg for lunch :D yum. It only took 10 minutes to make… not sure why I don’t cook more quick things like this in advance. Part of me does think I’d have better meals if I planned things in advance but… As I’m home all day and never know what I’ll fancy, I usually just go for something quick when I’m hungry. Definitely need to look into a new freezer! When this project ends...

Spoke to client today and actually the changes she wanted were fairly straight forward. Am onto the colour grading now which I did while having a 2hr skype call with my new friend Sol, he is like my (male) double! We are so similar it’s crazy, I feel like I am learning a lot about myself through getting to know him.
Hopefully this project will be over by tomorrow (Weds afternoon is the deadline!) quite a bit of work to put into it yet but I can be focused knowing it’s nearly over- phew! Then I have a LOT of writing to catch up on to hit my 50k/month challenge! Thurs I’m meeting up with Sol and Fri G and I are going to a party so will be a good week I think!

WI tomorrow (mid week/start week, lol) but *week is so heavy still so not sure it’ll be a good one. Hooooping the +2 from Thurs might have balanced out though, but yeah… Seriously heavy- must have been building up extra in those late weeks :/
So yeah, unless it’s a good result I’m not going to take it personally until Thurs :p hehehe
Lost 1lb of Thurs' pre-menstral gain, but *week is still heavy and only happened on fri eve so am guessing that gain wont be levelled out until tomorrow.
Red day today, spicy chicken at the ready for lunch :)
It's such a shame you can't do anything about your horrible periods! Mine and my Sister's were so bad there were days and days when we couldn't even leave the house - coz it was so heavy! She has a needle phobia, but finds it easier coz the contraceptive injection goes in your bum cheek. Don't know why, but she copes with it because of that.
I do really feel for you though :(

Your poor Sister. Her birthday party sounded so dull :confused: Well done on the food. I'd have probably eaten from boredom lol!
I see what you mean about your family and their 'compliments'. Do you think that they're actually really jealous? Like they can't believe you stuck to it and look totally amazeballs when they couldn't? It's not nice though when you don't feel like a compliment is genuine.
But you know we all think you're rocking ;)

Glad this bit of work will be over and done with soon. Must feel great to see the light at the end?! :D

Excellent on the 1lb loss. Hopefully the rest will follow in a few days ;) Sounds like you've got a good week ahead too.xx
Think my sister had an OK time, she is really chilled about that sort of thing and got loads of presents!

Yeah, fam mean well but I dont really like this muh attention- it wad OK the first time or two but now it's like "let me enjoy not being fat without reminding me constantly how fat I was??" haha... Also they were all commenting if I took a nibble of something naughty like "she'a got cake- RESTRAIN HER!" but in a less jokey way than that lol :p
My periods give me such sharp pains that sometimes I scream :/ bum injection doesnt sound so bad, might be a step in the right direction for losing my phobia too... Every 3 months and you get no periods/pregnancy? :p

Slept late today- getting back to editing now!
Oh no! I hate it when people comment on my eating!! I don't like eating in front of people anyway and struggle when it's someone new. It really sets me on edge when someone comments, even if it's someone at work or my Mum saying "That looks really nice" It's like they've brought attention to me eating and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Weirdo, I know!
So can totally understand you not wanting them making funny remarks! And yeah, they should get over it now and let you just get on with things!
I remember last year when I went to my friends 30th birthday party. Massive thing with all his family and friends - loads I went to school with. Everyone I met was like "Wow, you look so well" Which we all know is code for "Wow, you used to be really fat" ;)

Pain so bad it makes you scream is not good at all :( The bum injection is great tbh. I'm not bothered about injections, but I'm even more at ease with that one. Most of the time you don't feel it and just have a tender spot for a couple of days. Then you're period and pregnancy free for 3 months ;) Also protects against some cancers.
You might not get the full effects with the first dose, but you can have it repeated at 8 weeks to top it up and get things moving. Honestly, it's the best thing ;)
I've been on and off it since I was around 20. They do like you to have a break every so often (3 years I think). xx
It does sound tempting actually, bum injection wouldnt freak me out as much (arms/hands I cannot handle) and tried so many pills which messed me up in all sorts of ways! Though think that might have been partly to do with my weight as the woman at the family planning (against) clinic hinted.

I got my editig done WOOOOO!! I mean... I am trying not to get excited as I am 90% sure she will find something else she wants changing, but it is uploading now and it is complete! So that means my 3 back to back/overlapping projects are DONE and I can have some guilt free breather time at LAST! Really need to go shopping for presents for G- his bday coming up, xmas and anniversary of the day we met/fell passionately in love lol. Crap! 3 in a row!
I bought him a super cute R2D2 phone case online but it is just a stocking filler really. I want to make him somethig nice and personal but never have the space to do anything he wont see!

Am making xmas pressies this year for the fam- have these pendant trays with glass covers and am going to lay small cut out photos in them so that they can be hung on the xmas trees. Lots of kids in the fam so will be nice to give the parents some arty pics of the kids from over the years, can imagine they will be nice to get out in years to come with other xmas decorations and have pics of the grown up kids when they were younger... I'm going to do us some of the cats too LOL. So need to get started selecting and printing pics for that, and massively catch up on my novel after the week break for editing!!

Food today was the spicy chicken with lots of veg and salas and quark, a meringue (2.5) and two bowls of hexB gluten free oat cereal with milk for hexA for dinner. Realised the amount of golden syrup I have been putting on them is about 5 syns worth rather than 2 LOOOL. Heaped tablespoon is not the same as level!! But yeah, I always am under syns anyway and as long as I can keep the gluten carbs to a low I am happy having golden syrup syns hehe. Tis so yum.

So thats 12.5 syns today and a Red day.
The decoration ideas sound awesome! Am making a photo calendar for my mom in law this year and a photo book for my brother and sis in law as they never got around to printing their wedding photos!

Oh wow, 3 occasions to shop for 1 guy! I don't envy you there!! They have some cute Star Wars stuff in saindburys randomly in the gift section, and no idea where she got them but my friend got her bf Star Wars chopsticks..they had a little character on the top then the actual stick was transparent coloured plastic like a light saber. Might be cool for your sushi fests if G likes sushi.
Hahaha! No a heaped tablespoon is NOT the same as a level one :p What are you like?! LOL!

Love the ideas of your Xmas prezzies. I'd love some nice piccies of my dogs ;) Not of kids though, bluerg :p

YAY for the editing being done! I think some of your work 'enthusiasm' has worn off on me. I did a load of reading yesterday and pretty much finished an assignment today in a few hours :D A bloody leaflet.....I'm not 12.... :rolleyes:

Hehe you've got loads of G celebrating to do! Have fun!! xx
I used to have the injection, it never hurt, it just used to make me jump because I couldn't see it coming! :eek:. I've had a Mirena for 7 years now (I'm on my 2nd), it's not usually recommended for those without children though. Although insertion/removal is uncomfortable, it's been a blessing really, I forget about it most of the time!

Hubby is a bit of a star wars geek, without him knowing I organised a replica storm trooper to be ring bearer at our ceremony, the registry office were great. My brother was the ring bearer as far as hubby knew and when the bit came to exchange rings he had to make out he'd left them in the interview room and as he walked out the door, the registrar started playing the death march and the storm trooper walked in with the rings. It honestly could not have gone better, everyone was laughing and wanted a picture with him afterwards. Only a few people on my side knew so it was a big surprise (As were a lot of other things lol).

The presents sound great! I love crafting but I just don't get enough time these days, I was making sweet trees but each one took so long I don't have the patience now :eek:

Yay for editing!
OMG at the storm trooper! That is so cool :D My friends had a barn owl as their ring bearer and only about 3 of us knew about it.
But a Storm Trooper?!! :eek: :D

Oh and the idea of having a coil fitted makes me go "irk" and *twitch* lol! I almost got an implant and then started over thinking how they get it out and chickened out. Might be something I'd go for in the future tho.
WOW! STORM TROOPER AT WEDDING- BEST THING EVER!!! Man, I want that at my wedding LOL. What a genius idea!!

Summer- hose lightsaber chopsticks sound awesome :D I am going to do a search online for then tomorrow- thanks!

Kelly- glad you have been inspired to get your pamphlet done! 3 gold stars for you ;)
LOL I know, I have been denying the 'heaped' element of my tablespoons for ages but I'm really just lying to myself :p

My friend had a horrific time with the coil so no way would I consider that just yet!!

Food today was a banana for breakfast (at 2.30pm as I slept so late after editing late!!) and a spicy minced beef thing with some beans for hexB, cheese for hexa, quark and shredded iceburg lettuce around 5pm. Also had a meringue (2.5) and half a tin of lychees (3). Really wanted some cereal but held out!! So pretty low cal today as only had one meal really.

Felt a bit lost today without editing to do... Had loads of meat about to go past best so cooked 3 meals at once today :| trout in the halogen oven, lunch one one hob and a bolognase on the other! Cooked it for hours so it has gone all yummy! More trout to cook tomorrow for lunch but we love it at the mo- it is so soft and like melts in your mouth!

Did a bit of writing but not much, had a biiiig chat with G about career stuff which seemed like a moivational chat but left me a bit stressed in the end. We looked at last minute holidays for a while but not sure I can afford (even though he would pay for it lol :rolleyes: but I am so in the 0 until these last two projects pay up!) or if we could find someone to take the cats (mum got so stressed last time!)

Hopefully heading out to covent garden with G tomorrow for xmasy fun (I love London this time of year!) and to maybe get some presents/ideas for people. Then probably off to Misato, this beaut cheapo japanese restaurant in china town. Need my Japanese fix!! Though think they ONLY have deep fried options for meat dishes :/