Thanks guys- you are all so lovely
really could have been worse- the thing is... I knew it was happening, and didn't want it, but I couldn't fight this nosh feeling! So I was on top of it enough to keep healthy-ish (I did have like 25 syns or so though!) but I still felt guilty throughout... Wouldn't have felt as guilty having half a cheesy garlic bread pizza- lol!
Bev- I'm chuffed (and nervous!) to be ordering a 12, but I'm hoping the elastic will work both now when I'm about a size 13 (hehe) and later when I'm at target too!
I think a lot of the reason I want to lose more before travels is to give myself some leeway while I'm out there... I'd be gutted if I came back a stone heavier and so far out of 'Healthy BMI' again! But realistically the activity should keep the gain down! I'm SO excited to just be off plan and eat what I want though! I'm going to not go crazy with fast food/desserts but I'm definitely eating whatever exciting Asian foods come my way
a couple of months of rice for breakfast too by the sound of it as that's all they eat in various countries for breakfast!!
Rochelle- it is kinda a perk of being tall
I can excuse eating so much on needing it to run the extra half foot I have on most women! hehe. It was definitely munchies, yuck!
Kelly- Thanks dude, you're totally right... Not half as bad as some of the days I've gone less hard on myself for (booze and take away days!) but at the same time... less fun was gained out of it, so kinda annoying!
Chewieballs is doing great, he's as mental as ever but I hear that takes a few weeks to calm down? Looks like my mum will be taking the cats now, she's really come around to the idea as she's less stressed at the moment too. I'm so, so scared that if Mary-Lou or Eliza were here watching the cats one of them would get out of the window and get lost... Because we lost our cat on the road here we really don't want to let them out, but Lil' Juan has been out and misses it so he's just looking for the right moment to flee out of an open window, and Chewie has never been out so if he got out we'd be worried he wouldn't get back in (we live on the 1st floor so not so easy, he has to get onto the roof)! At my mum's though she'd let them out in her garden then shut them in at night, but she has 3 cats already so 5's quite the crowd!
Yesterday I redeemed my munchies day by doing a fast day with lots of exercise! For some reason I find it easier to exercise on fast days :S I think it feels like a full body detox that way, like "Today is a day dedicated to my body" and also as I get very very introverted, it's nice to just be in my room and work out a bit! I burnt 1085 cal
over 4hrs, but in about 2.5hrs of total efforts. I did a lot of running the lap around my room (even found a way to extend the 10 sec lap to 15 sec as now I do an extra loop around the obstacle in the open area of the room, then run to G's side of the bed where I have to turn around). Also did some wii fit hula hoop (10 min one while doing weights in my arms- felt the burn there!) and random free play with my exercise ball and weights. I found one exercise I made up where I bounce up and down on the ball waving my weights around with fairly out stretched arms while I had Gangnam style blaring on my headphones LOL it was so fun and it got my heart rate nice and high- burnt quite a bit!
I put much more effort into stretches afterwards and I feel much less achy today, especially my calves which usually the next day really kill to walk down stairs but today they don't! Thanks for the heads up guys! It's funny how I research the hell out of some diet stuff but am really lazy about researching exercise stuff lol!
I feel pumped just writing that, I want to do some more! But G's gone back to sleep and all my stuff is upstairs- grrr!
So food wise yest I very nearly did a 0 food day! The exercise and 5HTP really helped curb my appetite and I drank loads of teas and stuff. At about 11.30pm when G and I were chatting in bed (I was too hyper to sleep) I suddenly got starving- for the first time all day! I really snapped at him and got quite hysterical and then a green tea made it all OK again... But then I was thinking about how tomorrow I wanted a wm roll sarnie AND a big bowl of cereal AND all these extra Hex's and I thought "You know what, I'm just going to have that WM sarnie now and then I wont crave it as much for tomorrow and can stick to my Hex's"
felt like a wise move. I realised at that point that I wanted the whole 'detox' element of a 0 food day (especially since it really hadn't been hard up until that point, I hadn't needed food at all!) but the reality of it was apart from feeling the accomplishment of a total fast, I knew that it wouldn't make a big difference if I did have the 500cal or not... So I had my sarnie, which I didn't count the calories of but a WM roll is about 160 and I had light cheese, less than 30g so probably about 80cal there, then some jam (maybe 40cal?) and had some almond milk and splenda in teas so probably had around 320cal in total that day.
Today I'm having a semi SW, semi general healthy eating day. I want to relax a bit and let myself have some healthy treats but not go overboard. I had half a tin mangoes this morning- OMG amazing! I've never had tinned mangoes before! I marinated some chicken thighs over night so that will be lunch; pretty much will be a Red day with maybe some extra Hex's/syns, but not over calories, if you catch my drift.
I realised yesterday that I hadn't seen the PF since just after I got back from Dubai (Monday) grrr! Overdosing on bran flakes out there clearly did me the world of good, I wish I could have more HexB's here already! I really felt constipated while running, it made me feel like I needed to go but I couldn't :/ took a senekot last night and feel pf will be visiting soon at least.
Still no sign of aunt flow though, FFS! Has all this PMS just been in my head!?