Hi everyone. I'm new to Exante (previously done Cambridge) and only started on 15th far so good. I was wondering if anyone finds the soups a bit hard to stomach? I find them to have a bit of a slimy texture and have trouble finishing them. I have tried adding a bit more water to them to make them less thick and that has helped. Do you think it would make a big difference if I don't always finish them? I'm currently having 2 a day with a shake for breakfast. I purchased a bulk months supply so I have another 3 weeks to wrok through, but have since ordered another 2 weeks worth but that includes bars so I can look forward to those, so instead of 2 soups a day I can reduce it to only 1. Hope all this makes sense...just worried about not finishing them and if that will have any effect.#
Good luck to everyone else on their journey
Good luck to everyone else on their journey