Total Solution South Pacific

Off to my brothers house in a bit ......big family gathering :) My siblings are all over the place, so getting everyone together is quite difficult and doesn't happen too often The sun is shining, so it should be a nice day :D

Oh have a lovely day Darcy - I love it when the family gets together (apart from the inevitable politics though! Lol)
Hi Darcy. How are you doing?
Hi Honey...I hope you are ok? And the stress levels are not too high? Xx
Hi diet buddy, hows it going? :)
Hi diet buddy, hows it going? :)


I'm back and heartily ashamed :cry:

As may have been obvious from my absence I fell off the wagon big time :sigh:

I have updated my ticker and stats to today's weight and I'm going to give it yet another go

No excuse I know but work has been crazy and I've been thinking about my Dad so much lately - and terrible guilt - and have been comfort eating non stop

I caught sight of myself in the mirror yesterday and felt so disgusted

I have to do something about this I'm asking for all the support I can get

Thanks everyone :)
Hi Darcy. Welcome back. You'll get lots of support on here! Just think back to how determined you were to lose weight for your cruise and how good it felt setting off. You've done exceptionally well before and I know you will again. Oh, and don't disappear again if you falter - that's a sure way to fall off the wagon well and trully!
Hi Darcy, don't be ashamed, it's just life. We are all here for you xx
Welcome back darcy :)

I am still in my eating phase but will be back to TFR in 3 weeks!
We did so well at this before so we can replicate that success again and start to see those numbers falling once again :D
You 2 were the TS champions!
Hi Darcy you will do fab - I've only come back also so let's get this done and dusted - you did so well the last time as Lynne says TS champions
Hi Darcy. Welcome back. You'll get lots of support on here! Just think back to how determined you were to lose weight for your cruise and how good it felt setting off. You've done exceptionally well before and I know you will again. Oh, and don't disappear again if you falter - that's a sure way to fall off the wagon well and trully!

Hi Darcy, don't be ashamed, it's just life. We are all here for you xx

Welcome back darcy :)

I am still in my eating phase but will be back to TFR in 3 weeks!
We did so well at this before so we can replicate that success again and start to see those numbers falling once again :D

You 2 were the TS champions!

Hi Darcy you will do fab - I've only come back also so let's get this done and dusted - you did so well the last time as Lynne says TS champions

Thank you so much everyone :)

You're all absolutely right - I've done this before, and I can do this again :D

I don't know what comes over me, it's just so crazy - eating pizza never solved anything

So, draw a line under all that

Darcy is back in town :D
You sound determined and in the zone good luck I'm sure with all the support on here you will do well
Is this day 1 then darcy? Hows it going for you? Xx
Darcy it's good to have you back xx Sorry that you've been struggling and I hope you're feeling better today, pleased don't ever be ashamed though, especially with us - we're all here for the same reason -- big hugs xx
Darcy it's good to have you back xx Sorry that you've been struggling and I hope you're feeling better today, pleased don't ever be ashamed though, especially with us - we're all here for the same reason -- big hugs xx

Thats very sweet Katie, thank you xx

I have been pretty down in the past few weeks - not really sure why - and at one point was going to cancel my Asia holiday next year :(

.....but I gave myself a stern talking to, and I'm back in the game :D
Thats very sweet Katie, thank you xx I have been pretty down in the past few weeks - not really sure why - and at one point was going to cancel my Asia holiday next year :( .....but I gave myself a stern talking to, and I'm back in the game :D

Oh Darcy that makes me so sad to hear.

I know we are all on here to lose weight but really we should be happy despite our weight and enjoy things like holidays and our lives! Maybe that's the holy grail for all of us? Happiness despite the number on the scales?

Big hugs hon - great to have you back xx
Oh Darcy that makes me so sad to hear.

I know we are all on here to lose weight but really we should be happy despite our weight and enjoy things like holidays and our lives! Maybe that's the holy grail for all of us? Happiness despite the number on the scales?

Big hugs hon - great to have you back xx

Thank you so much - wise words :)

I had the phone in my hand to cancel the holiday - how could I get on the plane looking like this, what was I going to wear as nothing fits, everyone will be laughing at me, truly actually hating myself :cry:

I absolutely realise the only person who can resolve this is me here I am, again! :eek:

I did in fact pick up the phone - but to upgrade my cabin to a balcony - you only live once!! :D
I have been pretty down in the past few weeks - not really sure why - and at one point was going to cancel my Asia holiday next year :(

Nooooooo, NEVER cancel a holiday!!!! Life's too short. Welcome back hun and good luck with the re-start. I don't know what you've got to feel guilty about with regards to your father - there might be some reference to that further back in your diary but I haven't got the time to go look for it. All I would say is that you feeling guilty, whether or not that feeling is justified, is a pointless exercise and very destructive. I'm sure your father would want you to be happy. So get back in the zone, lose the weight and then go and enjoy your trip to Asia. :superwoman: