Oh Darcy you fully deserved the pizza, I'm really struggling with cravings, don't know how you have done it for so long! I was thinking a planned day off or an add food week I'm just so scared I won't get back 100% X
You are amazing! X
Thank you Becky
This past week has been very .........strange
Too complex to explain here, but work has been incredibly difficult since 1st April when a new company took over running the contract I work on. There has been a huge management reorganisation and a lot of senior management took redundancy rather than stay in the new system
......this has resulted in the appointment of lots of new, external, managers and the resultant chaos
Now, I'm not good with change
.....and I've been struggling emotionally with all this
I know it's 'just a job' but I spend a lot of time at work, and it's horrible when you've previously been very happy
....there's also been the added pressure of being asked to apply for a new role, and that's still just hanging in the wind
I also have to be in Birmingham for training next week, so I'm having to go up tomorrow to stay in a hotel for a few nights - and for reasons I can't even explain to myself, I just don't want to go and would do anything to get out of it
So, this has all come to a head this week .........and I knew I was going to binge sooner or later
By taking an active decision to have one day off the diet, it felt controlled rather than a crazy binge
I enjoyed the pizza, but feel very full still today......and have no plans to do it again
I weighed this morning and scarily have 'gained' 6lbs overnight
.....so, I'm not going to weigh in on Sunday as that would be depressing
I'm firmly back on the wagon, no worries......onwards and downwards