Total Solution South Pacific

Doesn't sound good! Hopefully you're on dry land and not feeling too sick :)
Hello everyone!

Safely home after my adventures! :D

The storm settled, and we were treated to another great sighting of the Northern Lights as we approached Tromso.

Spent a very nice - and peaceful - night in the hotel there.

Flight home today was fine. Bit tired now so just sorting out the mail then I'm off to bed.
Busy day today - putting my Dad's room back together after the decorating. Builder has done a lovely job in there - very pleased.

Now, just the rest of the house to go! :eek:

Tuesday is the day for my dental implant surgery! The site has to heal for 4-6 months before the crown placement.

Quite a busy year so far! :D
You were very lucky to get to see the Northern Lights more than once, I bet it was amazing.
I'm sure you're glad to set foot on dry land after the storm :eek:

Great the builders have done a good job in your absence :)
Good luck with your surgery xx
Thanks Ali :)

Not looking forward to tomorrow very much - but hopefully the results will be worth it!

Very pleased with the decorating so far - but quite a bit to go yet until everything is complete.

I felt very fortunate to see the Northern Lights - quite awe inspiring really. Didn't enjoy the bumpy ride on the ferry so much!!! :eek:

Back on the Exante wagon from today! :)
Hello everyone

Just back from my implant surgery

Took over 2 hours to do, and not the most pleasant experience in the world :cry:

My face is quite swollen now. Was supposed to go into work this afternoon - but really don't feel up to it.

Golden opportunity to stick to Exante soups though - as only allowed a liquid diet for 10 days!

Hope this is all worth it in the end :eek:
Think of that gorgeous smile and it will all be worth it. Hope it's not too painful hun xx
Oh boy, I am so sore today.

I feel like I have been kicked by a horse and my face is swollen and bruised.

This had better be worth it!!! :eek:

One bonus is absolutely no problem staying TS - just about managed one soup last night.

So.......scales had better reflect that this week or I will really be upset :cry:
Morning all :)

Bruised and swollen still, but a little less sore.

Sticking TS no problem - no choice really as chewing anything is out of the question!!! So it's soup, soup and more soup!

Oh boy, the scales had better reflect this week's effort!! :eek:
Poor you, you sound proper fed up! Hope you start feeling better soon xx
At least you'll get back into ketosis quickly with all those shakesn ;)
Poor you, you sound proper fed up! Hope you start feeling better soon xx
At least you'll get back into ketosis quickly with all those shakesn ;)


Must admit to feeling quite sorry for myself at the moment! I don't do pain!!! :eek:

Still, the sun is shining and the decorating at home is progressing so all is not lost! :)
LOL I'm the same when I'm not well... have to feel sorry for myself because no one else does ;) Kids aren't bothered they just want feeding and to be played with as usual. Fingers crossed the scales will reflect all this suffering ;)
Feeling better today.

Bruising and swelling going down thank goodness.

Maintaining TS 100%, so hoping for a good weigh in on Sunday! :D
Morning all

Sunny day today, and fairly warm.

Plan is to clear another room out over the weekend for the builder. Plus going to the cinema this afternoon with my niece.

Maintaining TS, and weigh tomorrow.

Have a good day everybody! :D
Glad you're on the mend and ready to face the public :p
Darcy15 said:
Thanks Ali :)

Really enjoyed the film - Most Exotic Marigold Hotel. Very 'feel-good' :D

Not that I got much clearing up done..........!! :eek:

I want to see that! Looks good, I might drag hubby along tomorrow lol
2 pounds down today.

Pleased with that. Not the massive amounts some get, but seems to be about my average for some reason!

Must admit to feeling a little disheartened today though. I have been doing some calculations - never a good idea!

I have been doing Exante since last August. TS most of that time. I have lost 51 pounds. Not exactly 14 pounds a month is it?!! :eek:

If anyone has any bright ideas to speed this up I would be delighted to hear! I don't drink coke or anything like that - black coffee and water. I rarely eat the bars now either, so pretty much just soups.

Oh well, I will absolutely not give up but it is tough! :sigh: