I can and will do this!
(((Darcy))) So sorry about your dad, but (unfortunately) it may be a blessing in disguise. We had the same scenario with my mum in law.
She spent her last 6 months in a care home and was so happy there. It took so much pressure off my father in law and us, as we were all struggling to give her the 100% care and attention around the clock that she needed. Her being in care meant we could shake off a lot of the stress and devote loving quality time with her. We all benefited, none more-so than my mum in law, who whilst there, remembered that she loved us. At home we had become these strangers that she didn't want feeding/washing/dressing her.
I think what I'm trying to say is, don't let guilt or regret creep into your head. You've put your dad first and you will both benefit. Take care, sending lots of hugs :hug99: xx
Thank you so much for this. I know in my heart the right decision has been made, but I had no idea how hard it was going to be.
I cannot believe how terrible I feel. Guilt, failure, the whole gamut of emotions.
My siblings are - reluctantly - in agreement with residential care. We discussed it at length and none of us see an alternative. The house is a 4 storey town house, so no care package in the world will change that. If Dad comes back here he is either confined to one floor - his bedroom and the bathroom, or we risk the stairs and a potentially fatal fall. Neither option is tolerable I would say.
Now I have the task of sorting all this out, as I am the one nearest. Not a great prospect.
I have phoned in sick for work today - the first time in many years. I am not sleeping, I am crying a lot. I just don't know what to do with myself to be honest.
I know once Dad is settled he'll be fine, so all this will pass. Just that right now it seems insurmountable.
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