I can and will do this!
good afternoon Darcy, well done. You're doing great, loving the positivity xx
Thank you Giggles
good afternoon Darcy, well done. You're doing great, loving the positivity xx
How well are you doing? ... Blooming excellent
Hi Darcy. It's great to see you doing so well. I really hope it shows on the scales tomorrow!
Congratulations Darcy. That's brilliant. Now you need to get through another week of TS! Keep strong. I know you'll do it!
Thank you
I do feel very positive - and yesterday I actually spent nearly all day creating a photo DVD of my South Pacific cruise from 2011. I just had never had the motivation or interest to do it before, so I think my head is finally in a better place. The photos were still on a memory card, not even downloaded. I was so engrossed with my project, food never entered my mind
.....I'm sure that being occupied with something other than vegging on the sofa in front of the TV is really important. I used to do all sorts of craft work before things kicked off with my parents - I looked after my Mum for years before she died, then my Dad - so I plan to get back to that. You can't eat and sew at the same time!![]()
Hi Darcy. You're right. It is important to keep busy. I'm very good at vegging out yet feel so much better when I keep active. Have you got plans for any further cruises. I've never been on a cruise - well, not since I was 13 - but know lots of people who love them.
Fab loss Darcey - absolutely great loss - hopefully spur you onto week 2 x