Hi All,
It was fantastic to meet you all yesterday...even though I didn't come in the evening - I thought that you were all a lovely, fabulous, bunch of inspirational women - I really, really enjoyed your company and hearing your stories...and I felt really proud to be amongst you all. Hope the rest of the evening was fun - can't wait to hear about it.
Love from,
Jacqui - it was smashing to meet you too, we missed you last night!

I got home about 6pm and am too whacked to write about it all yet but will do in the coming days.. (need sleep!!) lol
Hi jackueline it was great to meet you and I for one had a brilliant time apart from loosing my voice

. It was going this morning but oh boy is it gone now

.. Anyone got one to spare??? I even danced!!!! Me who never dances...
Sam - you HAVE to change your name! lol You are so slim and so beautiful too! (what a complexion!!!)
It was a fab weekend, I'm shattered.. lol.. really loved yesterday afternoon when we all got together and chatted away for hours..

Such a lovely bunch of women - it was really a privelege to meet you all in person!
Great to see you there CC and looking as stylish as ever! Boy did you look glam last night wooohooo!! Can't wait for everyone's pics to go up! lol Luckymarge took the most amazing photo of you - you look like a bleedin' model!!!
I had a fantastic time, made some wonderful new friends, and today got to spend a good deal of time with one of them (Pandora) and we went on a boat trip around the harbour, and then up the Spinnacker (sp) Tower.. walked on the glass floor in the viewing room (got the pics to prove it! lol) and also posed with something incredibly huge between our legs!!!

(you'll have to wait for the pics ... hee hee). Absolutely brill time though, thanks RD for organising it for us

Definitely will come down again - and journey home was only 3 hours!

(and I managed to do it without a sleep/wee stop!)
If you are reading this and missed the meet, see if you can come to the next one - it is so worth it if you can.
We did miss you Ann & Karen but, of course, understood entirely why and wish we could have made it happen for you too . Next time!!