I'm a wedding planner hun. I was interested in looking for free hosting but then I was told that you only get limited space and you still have to pay to get more so it will just be easier for us to stick with the site we have already built iykwim
Our site is with Heart Internet. We've not got Google links yet, we have a lot of work to do before we can go after the really big weddings so we just do smaller ones at the moment
We charge 10% of the entire budget. I think that's pretty much the same as most other planners. At the moment though, we are doing reduced rates for the smaller weddings to build up our portfolio
Excellent, it has given me some ideas. We are soooo quiet at the moment so are looking at other things. We are doing a leaflet drop next week to see if that will get things moving.
How flaming rude!! Trust me, if I was selling my body I would be rich. My body is a temple. Just a flaming big one! pmsl.
Seriously, we run a kitchen supply and installation business and we are gonna concentrate on replacement doors at the moment cos it's cheaper to the customer than replacing the whole kitchen x
I think I have eaten too much! I made chicken curry and I feel really bloated now. That will teach me for making it so yummy that I didn't want to leave any. PIG! :whoopass::feedtroll: