New Member
Thanks, that's such good news. I do 2 self catering holidays a year in Tenerife and am trying to cut down on stuff to take. Do you know what it's called and what section it's likely to be in?
Thanks, that's such good news. I do 2 self catering holidays a year in Tenerife and am trying to cut down on stuff to take. Do you know what it's called and what section it's likely to be in?
Does anyone know what porridge I could use as a healthy extra b. I don't have any Iceland near so would probably have to be something from mercadona or a Spanish supermarket. Thanks
I am new to Spain (living in Barcelona) and im new to slimming world (first day)
I am extremely confused, due to being in Spain i am following the diet online.
I am so confused as to what plan i am on? what i need to do etc..
Please can someone help mei have no idea what im supposed to be doing today...and am i right in understanding that pasta is a free food? (really?!)
They are copas de avena and I am not sure what the syn content or otherwise are. You could look in Carrefour, Aldi or Lidl. A good yardstick is 20 xcalories = 1 syn.
However I will try and find out for you.
Unless you are more specific with what you are doing it is difficult to help you on here. Do you have any of the books ??? It is fairly simple really.
If you are following he diet on line surely I is all mapped out there for you.
Pasta is free on green days but that is just the pasta and not what you add to it.
If you give us a bit more information we can try and help you.
Hi isha I have some sheets with all the info on super free etc it's on my work computer if I can upload documents to this I will do when I am working tomorrow. This forum is really good for support or just a browse for ideas and inspiration, I don't post much but like to read lol
I'm back doing sw since last Tuesday and have lost 4 . 5 lbs in my first week even after having pizza on Saturday night ooppss. For me the diet works if you stick to it, it's more of a lifestyle change and eating healthy. Onwards and upwards lol
Hiya I-sha. Okay so you're doing Extra easy. Then the diet goes something like this.
Each day you can have :-
* Superfree foods (most fresh or frozen fruit and veg - NOT dried or cooked fruit though - these are a HexB)
* Free foods (eggs, quark, fat free fromage frais, fat free yoghurt, virtualy fat free cottage cheese, quorn products, textured vegeetable protein (ie soya protein) tofu)
. . . NOTE: these are alwasy free, even on Red/Green days
* Free foods (meat, game, poultry, fish, seafood, pasta, rice, grains, potatos, starch veg, pulses, beans)
. . . NOTE: these are what get limited if you do Red/Green days
* 1 HexA dairy that is high in calcium (milk, cheese etc)
* 1 HexB high fibre foods (cereal, bread, crisp breads, dried fruit, cooked fruit, tinned fruit, nuts and seeds, EV Olive Oil)
* Free Store cupboard staples (bovril, stock cubes, liquid stock concentrate (but not gravy powder or granules - most have syns), tomato puree, garlic puree, hers, spices, marmite, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard powder (but NOT jar mustard)
* Drinks - you can have calorie free drinks like bovril, tea, coffee, low cal/diet fizzy drinks, no added sugar cordials, mineral water - but milk in tea/coffee has to come from your allowance or count 1/2 syn for a dash, 1 syn for a normal amount.
* 5-15 Syns - these are your extras that you can have and incorporate into your diet for things like gravy powder, mayonnaise, salad cream, tomato sauce, HP sauce, packet food mixes etc. As Fillymum said 1 Syn = 20 cals - so you can do quick calcs. But if you've joined online then you can use their Syn Calculator tool to get a more accurate syn value.
To answer some of your questions:
* What's the difference between free and super free foods?
Superfree foods are very satisfying and very low in calorie. Free foods are more bulky and are what satisfy your appetite
* You eat as much as the free or super free foods as you like in unlimited quantities? Sort of.
Free foods you should only eat at meal times. Use Superfree foods for snacks.
Fill one third of your plate with superfree foods and, where you can, make them your first choice between meals.
* Skimmed milk with 2 weetabix bars - this would be a HexA (milk - or party of HexA) plus HexB (2 * weetabix)
* EV Olive Oil - 1 level tablespoon = 6 syns OR 1 HexB. So if you're having cereal for brekkie then you have to syn your oil
* Does anyone know if and where i can buy those 1calorie cooking sprays in spain? Don't bother. They taste foul and they are expensive.
Get yourself a good pressurised oil sprayer and fill with EV Olive Oil. 1 spray = 1 cal.
The sprayers are available on or if you still have relatives in the UK you can get them really cheap in Dunelm.
* How much is the weight loss per week on this (i understand it must vary from people to people)
How long is a piece of string? It all depends on a) how strictly you stick to plan b) how much weight you have to lose c) how much you cheat d) what foods affect you
A normal loss is 1 to 2 lbs a week. In your first couple of weeks if you stick to it religiously then you should lose more.
If you forget to weigh/measure your Hex's and allow yourself treats then it will slow right down - if not stop.
I do mostly Red days - as processed carbohydrates affect me badly. So I steer clear of rice, pasta, cous cous etc
I use my full 15 syns per day and allow myself the odd treat - and I averaged under 1 lb a week.
But I wanted to lose it slowly to help adjust my brain to the new way of eating and help keep it off for life.
I've been maintainly (mostly) for over 2 years - just had a few blips this year as it's been a very stressful one and I'm still managing to stay around my 1st target (which I subsequently reduced).
Mince: Most mince in Spain needs to be synned.
It is only mince with less than 5% fat that counts as free and I don't think this is available in Mecadona or most other Spanish Supermarkets.
The one we get is in Mercadona is about 10% fat so I count 2 syns per 100g - so about 3 syns for an average sized meal portion.
Mince syns as follows:
Less than 12% fat = free
Less than 12% fat = 2 syns per 100g,
Less than 20% fat = 6 syns per 100g,
More than 20% fat = 9 syns per 100g.
HexB: For a cereal/bread etc to class as a HexB then it must contain 3 gm fibre per 100g and no more than 120 cals
Ryvita Wholegrain crackerbread are no longer a HexB - it was found they didn't actually have enough fibre.
Standard Original Ryvita are still fine as a HexB.
This info is useful if you shop in Lidl or Aldi - you can quickly check whether their "look-a-likes" class as a HexB.
There are 3 excellent threads that you might find it helpful to read
FAQs -
Hope this helps. I have lots of electronic stuff that I could send you but at the moment I can't PM you (you need 50 posts I think).
If you want this then when you get there, send me a PM and I'll send you the info.
Hi everyone, I've just moved to Spain about a month ago, but just before I moved out I done SW back in the UK and lost 2 and a half stone. I want to keep going with it in Spain, but I'm finding it really hard. Especially as there are no classes.
Can anyone recommend any low syn crisps and convenient dinners that I can just pop in the oven? I have a mercadona, masymas and dia near me!
after the gota fria, im feeling wintery and looking forward to soup and stew season!! i find winter far easier to manage food wise...bring it on![]()