funny thought you were going to bed...
oh har di har young and dont need much sleep besides were getting an extra hr tonight![]()
hehehe wanna vodka??
Nah ta! I'm just gonna make a cup of tea, brb.
Feel free to go to bed if you're still hungover lol!![]()
tea jeez slow down hun!!!!!!!
il be here am watching the x factor!! i could easily win that showim a great singer!!
nothing wrong with tea r u having a choccie bikki? jeez loui was crying on xfactor!!!
No just had a cheese and onion 'sausage' roll. Mmmm!
Louis cried? Big bloody girls blouse lol!!![]()
:giggle::giggle: well he sounded as if he was going to when he saved daniel!!! wernt u watching it
omg i dont really like her! she always has her hands at her bloddy face!!!! silly girl but simon is right l love her or hate her shes alright but not my glass of vodka and coke!!
as carol would say google it!!!!!!!
spam is like rubbish!!!