So - all my bloods were normal (hollow laugh). Well, it would be good to be grateful, but who am I trying to kid? I'm annoyed and frustrated. All this pain for all these years and nothing. Nothing wrong with me. Hmm.
Finally got my period today - three months late

. So four periods in eight weeks at the start of the year, then a three month gap, and nothing going on with my hormones. If you say so
Had a bit of a "moment" earlier today, in a good way. Today's the day I do travel duties for my husband as he has his medical treatment. Turns out he'd decided I was going to change my plans for the rest of the year (long story but it's complicated to do with children's after school clubs and my journey to work and the school run etc) and hadn't bothered to ask me. I was so cross - but I'm not good at expressing it - so I just went quiet. And then I thought that no, this is a chance to practice being assertive and looking after myself. So I was all calm and just said what he'd suggested wouldn't work for me, because XYZ, and we would need to think of something else.
He exploded! He doesn't get angry very often, and I've realised part of that is because I make sure I never annoy him - so I'm always very compliant and obliging, even when it means I put myself out (which is quite often, now I've started noticing it). Eek! Anyway, it was interesting because I could feel myself getting anxious, and wanting to change what I'd said, to make it "better" - but then I thought, "no - I count too". So I just waited.
I think he got the message I wasn't going to be swayed. We'll see. It feels good to stand up for myself actually. Unfamiliar, but good!
And the best bit? I'm on a fast day, and the whole thing originally had me craving sugar - but now I know I can get through the day and will be just fine on packs.