Well still going strong. When I came home yesterday there was an Egg Custard Tart in the fridge that I really fancied - and had! Usually that would result in me binging for the rest of the night, but at only 4.5 points I could afford it. Although having said that I didn't have any tea, but then I didn't really fancy anything so I'm not that bothered.
Spent yesterday evening moving furniture around, took about 3 hours and half of it ended up back where it was in the first place!
I have to admit to feeling a bit low. I just feel really lonely. I've not got many friends here - well two good ones and they're both in their late 30s with teenage kids, so they have their own priorities. Don't get me wrong, I love them both to bits, and we would do anything for each other. But I want someone I can go to a local bar with and gossip about guys together etc.
Talking about guys it was recently brought to my attention that I've been single for 20 months, and without sex for 22 (too much information I know, sorry). That makes me feel lonely as well. I just want someone to wrap their arms around me. Unfortunately I always seem to go for guys who are out of my league - really good looking, can have any girl they want etc, why on earth would they want to go out with an overweight, average looking person like me?
I know that technically I don't want to go out with someone who is hung up on looks - but I have to admit I kinda am as well. I have to find the guy attractive to like him - although having said that I didn't think much of my current crush when I first met him, and since I've got to know him he's such a lovely guy - and he's been working out lately, lovely arms and chest etc... Yes I've been making progress reports!
Having said that, it's still not going to lead anywhere because he was a long term girlfriend and too kids - the 'progress reports' and the flirting are all just a bit of fun. To be honest I think because I'm so lonely and it's been such a long time since anyone has flirted with me I'm kinda clinging on to it, even though he would never cheat, and as much as I say otherwise I know that when it came down to it I could never be anything more then friends with a guy in a serious relationship. So as I'm only 'clinging' to it as he's the only person who give me that attention (and doesn't run screaming when I give it back), how do I 'get over it'!?
I just want someone - but at the same time I don't want anyone. With the way I feel about my body at the moment I'm not going to sleep with anyone until I've lost my weight and had my boob job - doesn't mean I don't want someone to care for me though.
<<Sigh>> I need a life, and some friends! Then I'll be okay I'm sure.
Anyway, I'm still sticking to the diet and feeling very positive about that! Sure I've lost about 2lbs this week, so close to that mini goal of getting into the 180lbs!!
Sorry to go on, just need somewhere to vent. Everything seems to make so much more sense when it's written down, and Minimins is such a good place to just

it all out!