Spots, hair & fat... The joys of PCOS!

thanks so much im thhrilled.. awh thats cool ive tried everything also but find ww works best for me! how much have u lost so far?
I've lost 33lbs so very pleased! Got a long way to go yet but I'm getting there.
Glad ww works for you! It's great to find a programme thar suits you.

We just need to keep it going now :)
Thank you!

I couldn't agree more, got to do it this time, got to get healthy & stop wasting time.
You should save up to get light treatment done (not laser.NEVER get laser treatment done..its really dangerous).

I have all the symptoms of pcos and although I haven't been properly tested- a blood test showed negative signs of it. Growing up, I had extremely bad facial hair. It was the most horrible feeling in the world, and yes you are right.. The summer was worse. I use to hate giving ppl hugs incase they felt my hairy chin.. I used to hate sitting close to ppl.. And my whole face as covered in dark thick facial hair.. My chin and neck were the worst.

As soon as i started working at the age of 21 I saved up and started my light treatment- and it has changed my life. :) I saw results after the first treatment and the hair became less and less with every treatment. My skin became so much cleaner, clearer and whiter! I was quite fair before treatment but so many ppl noticed the quality of my skin after my treatments..

4 years later and my skin is still a hundred million times better than it was before.

I still have to defuzz.. But the hair doesn't come back coarse as everyone said it would and just have a top up treatment every 6-9 months now.. And because I'm been going for so many years i get a good discount.

If you prescribe to. 'group on' you can find a lot of discounts for IPL.. Check it out. Its life changing x