Spotty's Road to Slimdom

Morning all.

Having a lazy day today, just as Sundays should be. OH is busy playing rugby on the xbox with his bro so I am taking the opportunity to have a proper relax.

"Went to the park" this morning which was a bit of a relief after three days. Lol.

Had some scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast, yummy as always. Just munched on some fatty salami Napoli for lunch, topped off with a pot of strawberry jelly and squirty cream. Nom!

Making a bolognese sauce later. OH gonna have 'spag bog' and I am going to have 'cab bog'... white cabbage topped with sauce and some grated cheese. Yummy!

Ooh, just as I was writing that I remembered stuffed marrow! That was a staple of mine the last time around. Delish!

Anyway. All going OK. Not feeling sluggish, weight going the right way... albeit slowly, and I am starting to get my mojo back in the kitchen. :)

This morning I was under the evil 13st point, hopefully never to return. Yey!

Going to a wedding on the 17th of a vegan couple, no idea how I am going to manage to stick to the diet on that day. Any tips? I'm not sure what's gonna be on the menu, but I know it its definitely all vegan. Eek!

Oh lordy, I'm sat on the sofa writing this and OH's brother just started saying how bad Atkins is for your heart and how I mustn't tell his wife I'm doing it because her dissertation was on Atkins (she's a paramedic) and its really bad for you. No point arguing the toss but its hard sometimes when you are going through all the struggle of sticking to the plan just to be knocked down. Sob. I know he means well, we get on, but still knocks you. Do any of you get that kind of adversity? How do you handle it?

Right then, best be social.

Enjoy your Sundays.

SD xx
Are the vegans trying to convert everyone then? If a carnivore was getting married and knew they had vegan guests coming a seperate meal would normally be provided to accomodate them, so why is it when the boot's on the other foot they don't provide meat for their guests? Just an observation :D
my sister is totally against Atkins style diets too SD, she is totally against cutting out any major food groups. so this diet isnt anything that i can discuss with her, the last time I tried, it ended up in an argument (she needs to lose 8stone so should consider trying it IMO) and of course being seriously overweight is far less dangerous.....yeah right <sigh> so I know where you are coming from. I personally think what people are really afraid of is other people succeeding. Just a thought :)
There's a lot of misinformation out there about Atkins. All I can suggest is a) don't discuss it with her (I'm all for an easy life) and b) keep doing it as long as you are getting results and feeling good - which should be a long time :)

If you do slip at any point (and I'm sure you won't) and eat some carbs, notice how you feel - bloated and tired - and then remember you don't get that on Atkins.

BTW If pushed I just say I'm doing low carb :)
Dietkitty said:
Are the vegans trying to convert everyone then? If a carnivore was getting married and knew they had vegan guests coming a seperate meal would normally be provided to accomodate them, so why is it when the boot's on the other foot they don't provide meat for their guests? Just an observation :D

I know, quite rude actually. Ah well, maybe I'll sneak some bacon in, and a tube of Hellmans. Lol xx
As for the non believers, I guess all I can do is make it work and prove I'm healthier in the long term.

I did it years ago and didn't suffer any ill effects that I know of, and friends of mine's doctors have even done it so it can't be all that bad. All fat and no veg/water, maybe... but not if you do it properly.

Just had my white cabbage bolognese with Parmesan, it was yummy.

Work tomorrow, yawn. Wish the weekends out weighed the working week. *sigh*

SD xx
Morning SD... Hope you have a good day :)
Morning SD, oh yes, the Atkins unbelievers LOL
Feel ick...

Morning all,

Well. Today I am feeling really sick. Even the idea of eating meat is makng me feel nauseous. Managed two small slices of ham for breakfast, with a smearing of full fat Philadelphia.

Had a few slices of roast beef mid morning and a couple of babybels (just couldn't face more meat!), and a bit of roast chicken for lunch before almost gagging and giving up.

Over the weekend I had a bit of a poorly tummy and I am now worried that the diet is making me ill (IBS wise).

I get really panicky and anxious when I get upset tummies, and when I feel sick - I guess I just want some reassurance that everyone goes through this.

What can I do to get past it, any ideas?

I like the fact my appetite has gone, but not the constant sicky feeling in my tummy/throat.

Other than that, day going ok... lol.

SD xx
Hi SD,
Yes annoying the unbelievers - depending on my energy for a debate i say atkins or low carb or off sugar!;). Frankly with weight off and blood pressure down i KNOW i'm healthier:D

In terms of feeling off food - that seems to be one of the standard reactions in induction. Hang in there, eat little and often, dont skip meals and drink plently of water. Hope you feel better soon
what day are you on SD? i have had the most horrendous stomach pains and upset tummy tonight...........for no apparent reason at all.

hope you are feeling better soon xx
Hope you are feeling better hun x
Morning Spotty - hope you feel better today... :)
Hola! How goes things today, toots?x
maybe a touch of Atkins flu there SD, and Atkins is recommended for IBS I've heard love. Morning :)
Hi everyone,

Sorry for being so quiet. I haven't curled up in a ditch somewhere, I am still in one piece and I am still going strong on Induction.

Yesterday was a really ick day, just couldn't face eating. I went to a gig last night and I think the nerves didn't help (suffer with IBS and this diet has been giving me upset tummies, so my anxiety was triggered I think). Anyway - got back last night with a renewed hunger, so I munched on some roast chicken and felt better.

Yesterday, all in all, consisted of two slices of cooked ham, three slices of roast beef, two babybels, a bit of roast chicken and a sugar free jelly and squirty cream. Not exactly a nutritious day, but never mind!

Today I have felt better - had an omelette for brekkie, with some ham, cheese and tomato.... and a packet of serrano ham for lunch plus a babybel as a snack. Going to have a nice dinner tonight with proper meat and veg - not sure what until I get to the supermarket :)

In other news I had to have a filling this morning so I am feeling a bit sore and sorry for myself at the moment. The anaesthetic is properly wearing off as I speak.

Thanks for all your support everyone. You rock!

SD xx
what day are you on SD? i have had the most horrendous stomach pains and upset tummy tonight...........for no apparent reason at all.

hope you are feeling better soon xx

Well, today is Day 12... and I have been having upsets since about Day 3/4, probably every other day. Just keep telling myself it is my body getting used to the change in diet... that and the 'fattiness' aggravating my bowel. I dunno.

I like the fact there is very little fibre in this diet. My doc put me on a fibre free diet for a while a couple of months ago because of the severity of my IBS. Total nightmare - giving up onion, garlic, wholegrains, fruit/veg unless peeled and de-pipped (skinning cucumber and tomatoes isn't fun). Basically only could eat white flour products and stuff... wasn't great for weightloss despite the fact my tum cleared up.

Anyway - Atkins seems to have re-triggered it a little bit, but I am hoping it will settle down.

Fingers crossed!

SD xx
Hi SD, hope it all settles down soon. I think it did take a while for tummy to get used to the change - i needed mims or physillium to keep me regular but fibre was upsetting so eg had to limit to half a mim a day. Now everything sorted and i avoid the extras as so unused to them

Also DH discovered that eggs were his problem - he just cant have without pains and discomfort. A shame but he is still doing very well on atkins (actually we are trying to fatten him up now lol ;) )

Hope you settle soon - and maybe track if any one thing isn't helping
Good luck
Glad you are feeling better and getting your appetite back a bit more, hope you continue to improve in all areas xxxx