thanks everyone im feeling a bit better today the sickness has gone but i was a wreck yesterday what an awful bug i now really feel for the kids when they had it. ive still got stomach cramps, a headache and feel very week but am glad i can actually get up and walk today without feeling like i was gonna drop dead.
its so hard when you literally cant get up and the house is getting messier each minute and my oh just isnt one to go and tidy up well until i nagged him, he then got the hoover out and just hoovered up the crisps that my 11 mth old had squashed into the carpet i was so proud of him until i realised that he only hoovered up the crisps which means he left the backroom which is joined to the front room and the hallway and kitchen so i thought what was the point im gonna have to go back and do it. oh well it looked a tiny bit
anyway good news is ive lost the 2lb which i put on the other day when i ate plus another 1lb so im weighing the same as oh which is my next mini goal nearly done to be less than him hopefully by monday. theres just one thing yesterday i only had my morning shake and nothing else all day as was so ill but today im not sure what to do shall i have a shake as normal or not have anything im just scared if i have it then i might start being sick again so any advice would be great. thanks again everyone.