
Morning Zim
Morning Jim, you prolly won't get this msg as your lap top has fizzled! Anyway, top of the morning to ya!

Here are my mucnhings today. Went for a run this morning and managed to eat 1.7k kcals which is good:)

zimara's food diary for 19 Jul 10
I'm here love, somewhat shaky old PC but hey, it's Internet capable, well just about. :)
Morning Zim, I uploaded it to photobucket from home Zim. :D
Indeed, and I do work in IT. :D
LOL, I was Zim, 25 years in the Army, but I retired in '93 and now work in IT.
:D It shows doesn't it love. LOL.
Quick update;

Ok so i had 4 weeks of no weight loss which really got me down so i fell of the wagon for the w/e!! Scratched some itches that needed to be scratched and got back on the induction wagon on Monday.

Durin my w/e off i gained 4lb and i'm happy to say i lost all that for fridays WI. So hopefully back on track for me, hope to have a good loss next friday!!

Had a sneaky WI this morning and was down another 1.5lb:)
LOL Steve, i'll condiser myself in the naughty corner!

Anyway it was only a week end, not a whole week :p

Gotta tell you though, i well miss my berries and nuts! roll on next week!
We all fall off-plan at times! It probably keeps us sane in the long run lol.

Stalls are very tough to handle but in the end the weight does go. All the best!
Yes we do, the important thing is to pick yourself up and start again. :)
That i did Jim, done me weeks inductions now re introducing nuts this week:)
almonds are good, cashews are bad. ;)