Star Week.

Well I'm not complaining anymore... I lost 1lb :D

Getting the painters in is another firm favourite, My nan used to say you had the "bleedies" and my Dad calls it "chocolate time", accurately enough.

Flibsey, are you on about those mooncups?? Are they comfy?
Flibsey, are you on about those mooncups?? Are they comfy?

yes. although I use a Femmecup; it was cheaper when I bought it, nearly 2 years ago lol.

I'd had problematic periods of years and gone from standard femenine products like tampax, kotex and lilets etc, changed to Cottons (brand name, unbleached organic cotton) and that helped my problematic periods a huge amount, then I finally bit the bullet and bought my cup and honestly, never looked back. I love it.

oh and if you get one and want a little attractive baggie to keep it in in your handbag, contact me. I crochet little drawstring bags and line them with unbleached cotton fabric. ;) mine is a blackberry lol.
I have a mooncup - it is amazing! I would never go back! :)
Well I mostly have phantom periods, but then I have really sensitive skin and tend to have a reaction to shop bought sanitary pads. By the end of my period I usually have cystitis as well :rolleyes: So I might look into it. Thanks Flibs x
Don't want to sound crass here, but is it easy to get in and out? I have terrible trouble with tampons too :(
once you get the hang of it, it's great. use some KY if it's a bit... tight.
basically, I managed "star week" fine with no leaks, 2 days after carpel tunnel surgery on my right hand, and I'm right handed.
In your rags
Having your yolks
Trolling for vampires
Crimson snail-trail

I just say I've got my period.. occassionally I'll use the "yolks" one... guess it's an Irish thing.
I always thought the term *week or star week was to protect us innocent fellas who might be uncomfortable talking about such delicate matters.

I know some blokes run a mile at the mere thought tbf.

All i know is unlike most of my group I don't get to use it as an excuse. I know some do and i'm quite surprised how they rarely have a good loss the week after. Maybe it gives them the munchies:p
Did you get through this whole thread Steve?? Bravo :happy096:

I have no sympathy for men who find "star week" embarrassing!! We have to get on with them and have done since the dawn of time (Damn that Eve and that effing apple!) so it's about time you lot caught up!!
Lonestitcher said:
Always remeber - if your OH can't cope with the wonderful moods of your period weeks - tell him this...

Women bleed constantly for 24 Hours a day, for 7 Days, EVERY MONTH AND STILL DON'T DIE!!!! - Be afraid, be very afraid!!!

Awwww that is too true!! My bf is super awesome though coz mine knocks me for six, and I'm really poorly x

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Flibsey said:
no, what's scarier is the ageing hippy I know who saves it in a silicone cup and feeds it to her houseplants as a monthly gift.... ok, I use a cup* but I don't save the minging stuff!!!! *shudders*

*I am allergic to a lot of femenine hygene products, this was the first thing I found I didn't react to. it's disgusting, but worthwhile.

I just threw up in my mouth. Vilest thing I've ever heard.
Chipmunk89 said:
I just threw up in my mouth. Vilest thing I've ever heard.

I once knew a girl who used to give her used sanitary towels to her dog. I'd rather the plants have it, personally!
JezVonSavage said:
I once knew a girl who used to give her used sanitary towels to her dog. I'd rather the plants have it, personally!

JezVonSavage said:
I once knew a girl who used to give her used sanitary towels to her dog. I'd rather the plants have it, personally!


And then openly admit it to others?? There are some sick ****ers out there!!!
Ok the hippy thing was creepy, but omfg the dog one is just simply sick. And confusing.
Maybe she wanted to see if he could fly if she fed him the wings.

I have a friend who will quite loudly state "I AM BLEEDING FROM MY VAGINA!" which always makes me laugh. Well, it is what it is!

I made a post about a year ago about the ludicrousness of star week as an expression, good to see I am not alone in wanting to vom a little in my mouth when I hear it. :8855:
Did you get through this whole thread Steve?? Bravo :happy096:

I have no sympathy for men who find "star week" embarrassing!! We have to get on with them and have done since the dawn of time (Damn that Eve and that effing apple!) so it's about time you lot caught up!!

All well and good, but how do you know it was an apple?;)