Starbucks latte with skimmed milk

Yes, as long as the ingredients are just skimmed milk and coffee. It might be worth asking if they add any sugars or syrups etc as they are not allowed.

if you're on cruise though you can only have 250ml of skimmed milk.
I have re-read the book and cant see where it says you are only allowed 250ml of skimmed milk on cruise , or any limitations on dairy in any stage :/ ?
I've had a tall starbucks skinny latte every workday morning to kick start my day and it hasn't stopped me from losing 5 stone in 7 months. As a weekend treat I might have one with sugar free vanilla syrup too...
The book is but an opening to the diet! Much of our advice here you won't find in it but it doesn't make it any less valid!

While you lose, go for it... once you stop, you will know which things to rectify at least.
Hope so I've just had one, its definitely in my book that you can only have 250mls on Cruise as I got confused and thought it was attack as well but its not!
250ml is in my books too, its not in the US version I believe, which also dosent have the 1litre max for dairy.
The bigger coffees contain more milk than the milk allowance, some are pushing at taking up the whole dairy allowance. Some people can take it others cant.
I have a regular skinny latte each Monday and take it as my milk allowance, as Maintainer says would be something I would look at if I was stalling for any length of time!