Day 6 of 49! Not slept from my night shift, spent time with a youth project, went shopping and now settled watching tv with peppermint tea neeeeeeeed sleep! Drank tones today too! Weigh in Monday though keeping at it!
Hi AmeliaMary! Glad you enjoy, I've done some struggling slightly but I'm determined this last stretch to make the most of it!
Day 7 of 49! Peppermint tea in chocolate shakes is amazing! Got to have more. Got a cold feel crap but determined! Bought a bunch of new clothes today happy me!! Excited to wear some new ones tomorrow for my placement. Weigh in tomorrow, slightly nervous but hoping for the best!
Day 9 of 49! Going to struggle with this week! I'm making a buffet tomorrow and on Saturday and I have barely any will power when it comes to the cake we've bought. So going to drink tones of water, go to the gym, go swimming and hope for the best x
my nieces birthday today and I'm off the bandwagon. making the buffet and I've munched. NEED TO STOP!!! No more for me! determined to loose this week so I think its going to be swimming and stuff the rest of this week to loose more!
Day 10 of 49! Slipped while making a buffet, but made up for it by drinking tones of water and going to the gym getting back on it in the morning. Determined!
so i stayed the same this week and we don't know why... oh well.
Today is Day 15 of 49! I have been at placement all day. I then went to the gym at 4:40 til 7:30 and I have just got home after swimming 8-9! Officially feel dead but at the same time I sort of feel great! Going to have a nice hot bath and then drink a hot chocolate and peppermint shake before bed I shall definitely sleep tonight!
well I went on holiday.. fell of the bandwagon... New start for a new me now instead! Starting tomorrow though because I need to go find out what weight I am. I'm afraid to look!