started today

Hey Peachey,

why not go out in the rain for a walk then come in have lovely warm bath to make you all toasty , have a hot chocolate shake and go to sleep knowing your metabolism is fired up and burning that annoying fat off your body as you lie there feeling proud virtuous and pleased you are being kind to and taking care of yourself. Personally I prefer total abstinence , when I felt munchy in the beginning I low carb snacked a bit and got away with it , but , it made me want to munch more which was a bit of a torment. I sucked it up and stayed "pure" for a week. I was then more in the mental zone and didn't crave eating stuff which just makes it all so much easier. You are not depriving yourself you are being good to yourself by taking care of yourself and getting healthy. Food will always be there, you're not missing out. Hope you did treat yourself to something nice.
Another 2lbs last week everyone. sorry not been on but has been a bit manic round here.
getting ready for Christmas and all.
I am having a low carb meal most nights - not always small but still not been tempted by bread or pastries or anything and the weight is still coming off.
even if i only lost 2 lbs a week till i went skiing then that would be about another stone so thats good.11lbs gone so far.
can't wait till its a stone.
struggling to get through my water again - i am a bad girl. trying hard though to keep on sipping
hope you are all good