We are a friendly bunch don't worry. Has anyone tried the banana "ice cream" thats on an older thread. i don't have a blender, will have to borrow my daughters cos it sounds really good and FREE.
Hope you don't mind me butting in but can I join your little group... I hate forums where there are so many people you can't keep track... And you start to feel like fish in the ocean..
Feel free to tell me to bugger off lol x
Hello my lovelies
How is everyone getting on?
Banana ice cream sounds yum. Recipe please
Ang, how's your day been? How you feeling?
Sookie welcome. It's much nicer on a smaller thread
Sue, Kim, Nikki, helloooooooo. How are you all?
It's pants going back to work after so long off. Been ok though just a shock to the system.
Ladies, I'm about to be a semi bad girl !!!!! Have had 4 good days but hubby has just got home with pizza and a bottle of wine. How can I say no??????? I just have to make sure I don't overdo it I guess and get straight back to things tomorrow. Feel bad already and I haven't had it yet!!!!!
Anyone got nice weekend plans? Mine consist of a lie in, and taking crimbo decorations down. The house always looks so bare after though!!
Now have HRT patches finally, was hopeless at remembering to take tablets and soooooooo sick of hot flushes at night, I'm in the bed, on top of it, In, on top, in, on top!!!!!! Hopefully patches will help.
Can anyone recommend a really good moisturiser (and foundation). My office ( and hormones I expect) have dried my skin out terribly, its that tight I feel like my face could crack. Currently use elemis pro collagen marine cream which is Bloomin expensive ( unless you're addicted to QVC like me), but its just not hydrating enough for me.
On that note, it's housework time. Joy. Time for a little workout with the Hoover.
Speak to you all later
Happy Friday eveningxxxx
Hello my lovelies
How is everyone getting on?
Banana ice cream sounds yum. Recipe please
Ang, how's your day been? How you feeling?
Sookie welcome. It's much nicer on a smaller thread
Sue, Kim, Nikki, helloooooooo. How are you all?
It's pants going back to work after so long off. Been ok though just a shock to the system.
Ladies, I'm about to be a semi bad girl !!!!! Have had 4 good days but hubby has just got home with pizza and a bottle of wine. How can I say no??????? I just have to make sure I don't overdo it I guess and get straight back to things tomorrow. Feel bad already and I haven't had it yet!!!!!
Anyone got nice weekend plans? Mine consist of a lie in, and taking crimbo decorations down. The house always looks so bare after though!!
Now have HRT patches finally, was hopeless at remembering to take tablets and soooooooo sick of hot flushes at night, I'm in the bed, on top of it, In, on top, in, on top!!!!!! Hopefully patches will help.
Can anyone recommend a really good moisturiser (and foundation). My office ( and hormones I expect) have dried my skin out terribly, its that tight I feel like my face could crack. Currently use elemis pro collagen marine cream which is Bloomin expensive ( unless you're addicted to QVC like me), but its just not hydrating enough for me.
On that note, it's housework time. Joy. Time for a little workout with the Hoover.
Speak to you all later
Happy Friday eveningxxxx
Got my motivation ladies
Just found out hubby boss is having an anniversary party in April that we're invited too. I sooooo want to be able to dress to impressxxx
I'm a monsoon addict
Inspired now. Hubby says I an have a new dressxxx
Evening Ladies
Just logging in to confirm that day 4 has gone to plan ;-)
That's 4 days and I've kept within my 18 points !!!
Didn't even have a glass of wine after the committee meeting, just had a coffee and left the rest of them to it with wine flowing freely when I left !!!
Bills dad really poorly this afternoon so think we'll be spending most of tomorrow at the hospital
So if you don't hear from me tomorrow you know why :-(
Luv Ang xx