Starting again. 7 weeks until Christmas!!!

I think I could perhaps do a Friday but not a Saturday or Sunday!
How is everyone?
I'm taking daisy to the doctors later, as I have mentioned previously she had meningitis as a baby & they said she might lose hearing as she grows up & this weekend she's been struggling to hear so I'm going to get that checked!
Ang how's your father in law?
Becca how are youuu? & sue? & sian?
Love xxx
Well i have to admit this weighing in business seems to be something i am struggling with. its now Monday, wi was supposeed to be Fri and only now (after I have had breakfast) have I remembered. Losing it I think....marbles not lbs. Anyway I am NOT weighing after eating my brekkie so Fri it is. How strange when its usually a big focus of my week.....hmmm. Anyway, Nik hope all goes ok at docs today. Constant worry at the best of time aren't they, kids but even more so when you have history.
Bec, did you sort out your dog, or have I missed posts , I do that sometimes ;)
Ang, hoping things are getting more settled with you FIL, its not being helped by our usually brilliant (in my opinion) NHS at the moment is it.
Morning ladies

Hope Daisy's ok today Nikki. Hearing is something we all take for granted isn't it !!!

Day off today from hospital visiting for me today. Taking my sister for her monthly supermarket shop then got rehearsals at the golf club this afternoon so Bills going to hospital on his own.
Bills dad was a little improved yesterday but his weight loss is appalling. He's lost around 2stone in the last 6 weeks or so and he wasn't overweight to start with. You can see his bones, he looks like the poor people they keep showing in the starving areas of the world on TV. It makes me feel guilty complaining about how heavy I am !

Hope you're not working too hard Sue.

Becca and both ok?

Luv Ang xx
ooooh wonder will Ang be out to lunch today lol. I agree with you Ang we worry over a few lbs off when we have very clear and stark reminders that others are not that lucky. Anyway on a lighter note i have a day off, just stormed around Asda and now have a big batch of stew bubbling away in my slow cooker, productive morning but i am thinking it won't be topped off with a pile of housework cos to be frank with you lovelies I can't be ar5ed!
ooooh wonder will Ang be out to lunch today lol. I agree with you Ang we worry over a few lbs off when we have very clear and stark reminders that others are not that lucky. Anyway on a lighter note i have a day off, just stormed around Asda and now have a big batch of stew bubbling away in my slow cooker, productive morning but i am thinking it won't be topped off with a pile of housework cos to be frank with you lovelies I can't be ar5ed!

Good for you Sue ;-)

And not having lunch out but doing a sweet and sour chicken with rice for me and Bill to have mid hospital visit and before I go to golf club. Hard to calorie count stuff at golf club and even though I'm on a 2000 cal day I'm worried ill overdo it there ;-)
Afternoon ladies...

Ang belated birthday wishes

My granddaughter is doing really well.

I have been away, we went to Brighton for the weekend.. Tried my hardest to stick to diet and over the few days we were they I only had 3 glasses of wine ? made up for that last night, we got home around 8pm so ended up with pizza and a bottle of wine..

Hope everyone is well and fingers crossed for some good weight loss this week

Sian xxx
Well the doctors went ok! We have a new doctor & he's really good! Got another appointment next week & a hearing test done too. Hope everyone's ok! Will catch up later x
Hi ladies

How is everyone today?

Am pleased the doctors wen well for daisy Nikki. How's the car going? I'm loving my little Ka poppy, although I miss a heated windscreen. This morning it was so cold here even de icer wasn't working I had to scrape for ages to get the ice off my windscreen. Only a dusting of snow here though so not too bad

Has anyone had snow issues?

Sian, glad your granddaughter is doing well ........ Piccies please :)

Sue, how are you lovely? Can't believe you forgot to weigh:), I swear my morning weigh in every day is a ritual, I'd feel like I lost a leg if I forgot to do it :). Although, yes I am obsessed with my weight. Be a nice surprise for you on Friday though :)

Ange my lovely friend, how are you doing? Is it baking day this week? How's bills dad, is he settled now? Are you doing ok with the diet? I did go to bed really hungry last night but just kept telling myself one short sleep away its breakfast time :). Will be doing alternate days now until Friday next week as lots on. Have dance practice tomorrow, dance lesson Friday lunch time, social dance Friday night, dance lesson Saturday, open evenings at work next weds followed by a dance lesson, meal out with hubby on the Friday then. It's going to be a busy few days.

Hope you're all staying strong my lovelies

Speak soon xxxxx

My beauty pre haircut

And post hair cut. Maisie's had a busy day too :)

Ps. Go me, I finally worked out how to upload photos:)
I love your dog what sort is it? My cousin just got a Dalmatian :D love my car still! :D
My nannas starting to come to meetings with me! Which will motivate me :)
Hope everyone is ok! X
Becca just love your dog...

Just uploaded photos no idea if they will show xx


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Hello! How is everyone! I'm being really good today! I went to get my nails done this morning & forgot to go to weight watchers! X
Hello! How is everyone! I'm being really good today! I went to get my nails done this morning & forgot to go to weight watchers! X

That's so funny..

I'm doing good was going to change my wi date to Wednesday but decided not to I'm going to try and get a grip of not losing control at the weekend..

Hope everyone is good xx
Morning ladies,

I'm here ! Been really busy over the last few days and have read all your posts but not had time to reply

Bills dad is doing well, less confused and looking so much brighter. He's still in hospital so we are still visiting twice a day!!!!

Have you started JUDDING yet Nikki ? I'm on a DD today so just made a pan of BNS soup and having a salad later this evening

Lovely photo of your grand daughter Sian. Hope you manage to be good over the weekend, have you weighed yourself today?

Love your quick and quirky post Sue. Did you enjoy your meal with your family?

And last but definitely not least Becca. How you doing Hun? Your little dog is a cutie, your MIL is an idiot not to want to look after him. Did you find a kennels? How's your JUDDING going? Don't try doing any DD on your really busy days dancing as you'll be famished !!!!

Have got Laura coming later , will be a nightmare for my DD if she wants to bake ;-)

Have a good day ladies

Luv Ang xx
Hi Ladies, well its Thursday again and I have just got back from lunch with Hywel and Kel. Soup again lol....delish! will catch up properly later girls.x