Morning ladies
How are you all?
Linda really pleased you are getting in the 'zone'

. Well done you for joining the gym and for getting through the class -that would have killed me off. Keep us posted with how you're doing.
Ange, I bet you're going t miss them but at least you get a little rest. You sound so motivated now. Sometimes something just clicks into place doesn't it. Go you.
Sian, wow, expensive!!!! Hope you're ok otherwise.
Nikki how are you doing?
Afm, I still loooooove the cambridge weight plan. It's so easy. I have had about a week off as have had a few meals out etc but have only put 1 lb on so goes to prove just cos you loose weight quickly it doesn't pile back on quickly. Ange, its a VLCD. You have to find a consultant in your area ( check out the website it explains everything). Basically depending on how much you have to loose you have 3 cambridge products a day which are either soups, shakes or porridge, then you may have a small meal on top and an allowance of milk. There are 6 steps and I'm on step 2. The first few days are hard because your body is clearing itself of carbs so you do get tired and have headaches ( I did anyway), but by about day 3 you're in ketosis your mood goes up, your energy levels go through the roof and you start to loose weight. In total I lost about 11lb in 4 weeks which for me is amazing. My friend at work is bigger than me and has lost a stone in 2 1/2 weeks. Anyway, just had toast for brekkie but am back obit now 100% ready for my hols on 5 weeks. I think the thing I love is that I don't feel panicky if I have a few days off because its so easy to get back into and I know it works so well. Most of the shakes soups and porridge s taste fine but one or two are yucky. Avoid the maple porridge if you decide to do it, it's awful. I think it costs me roughy £45 a week.
Well, we've had our first assessment visit for the adoption and all went well. Our social worker anticipates we'll be going to panel the first Monday in August. The only stumbling block is that they have to try to contact and interview des's ex wife as he helped to bring up her children. If she decides to be the b****h she is then goodness knows what she'll say but the social worker assures us they're used to ex partners and can spot a liar a mile off so should be fine. It's just that you don't really want your ex knowing what you're doing now but the can't be helped I guess. Better for the child that all avenues are checked

Anyway, hope you all have a fab weekend.
Speak soon xxxxx