Well my last weigh in was not great 1.3lbs on , but i didvtake 4 days off so i am actually quite pleased as it could have been more!!! I am doing great so far this week , really getting the water down , no walking as weather has been crap , but if still motivated when i get home from work i am going to sit on the exercise bike and just od , how are you getting on ??
So having had to come off plan again for medical reasons i am back ,,,, the good news is weight gain was minimal , but still really have 18-20 lbs to go for my holiday target ,, the bad news is i only have 4 wks and 4 days to do it ,,,,,,, arrrrgggghhhh , so i have decided to ss all the way , its day 2 back on plan !! Mind set is focused ,,, none of my new holiday clothes fit as yet ,,,,,, trying not to panic yet !!!!