Thank You for looking honey...
I am managing about 5 pints of water most days (roughly 2.8l) Then a few cuppas, on top of that. The mince based meals, yes I suppose it could be that there is a bit of repitition, although those meals are mainly veg...there is very little mince in them! But still they are repeated. I possibly was eating a little less on WW (I was starving) But my first part week back on SW I lost 2lb...monday to thursday, then this week is a full fri wi- fri wi week....
One thing I am aware of is that I have no star weeks, or at least I won't know when as the pill I am stops any bleeds....although I do get the bloating and grumpiness, I don't always 'realise' the reason iygwim?
Thanks for looking anyway xxxxx