starting from here :D

I know they sell vegan bacon in health food stores. I saw it on Come Dine With Me!! Not sure what it tastes like though. At the moment I am addicted to Quorn apple sausages, SW chips and beans with BBQ seasoning added!
I had the quorn sauages for lunch... not really my thing lol i don't like sauages at the best of times anyway so maybe tht was why.. my mum thought they were nice thou. The bacon sounds appealing thou.. i love bacon.
had my first day at work today on sw so couldnt eat endless amounts of toast and biccies like i usually do.. i had an apple and an orange, and the tiniest bit of porridge cos i didnt have scales and didnt wanna go over... i was absolutly starving by 2PM lol.. thats when i had my sauages.. so im still starving :D spagetti bol for dinner tonight :D:D !