Starting Monday! Can't wait!

I just want to get started now..... Hopefully I'll be in ketosis by the time the dreaded weekend comes round lol...
Yes you should be you might sail through it I did but some times it's hard but keep your goal in mind
I'm starting Monday too. Glad there's a few newbies, we can encourage each other and learn from everyone who's been doing it a while. :)
Yeah i thought that... we can keep this thread going and we'll all be going through the same thing!!!

I am aiming for 5 weeks initially!!! We'll see how much that gets off!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Hi I started today after all I could not wait! had a massive chinese last night and then kicked off with the porridge for breakfast .... not so sure about that - a bit yucky but managed to get it down!!

Then 100g chicken and brocolli for lunch... really struggled at a kids birthday party they were offering sausages and chips and cakes and biscuits .... managed to refuse but oh it hurt!:D

litterally ran in and grabed a choc trufa bar - really yummy and now a hot choc shake!

Lets see how tomorrow goes and good luck to all the other newbies!!

So far I've had a vanilla shake with coffee in hot - really nice, hot chocolate shake again very nice, a muesli bar and jsut had a mushroom soup. I'll aim for 3 and a meal tomorrow. Really pleased as so far they all taste nice, I was a bit worried as I'd tried exante and wasn't keen. But SnS seem very much like Cambridge taste wise,
Well done on getting through day 1 lilo and good luck for day 2 xx
And well done to you too Trisha!
Good luck 2 those of you who have just started, and those who are about 2 start.`
Hi, I am also starting on s & s on monday and first time of following a vlcd, I'm soooo nervous but can't wait to see the weight come off! Just wanted to say good look. Beckie.xx
Good luck to you too Beckie, and welcome xx
Good luck to ever1 starting tomorrow ive lost 7.8lbs since starting on thursday so well pleased. Hope its the same for you all.
Wow thats fab, really pleased for you. I'm starting on monday/tueday depending what time my packs turn up after along drawn out time at ww. Will keep a lookout to see how you are getting one.x
Yorkshire Lady said:
Wow thats fab, really pleased for you. I'm starting on monday/tueday depending what time my packs turn up after along drawn out time at ww. Will keep a lookout to see how you are getting one.x

I was also at ww. I nearly got to goal b4 3rd pregnancy but after the birth i really struggled to get back on track (nearly 3 yrs lol). I plan on using s&s to shift the bulk of my weight and then go back to ww to maintain.
That's what I intent to do to, well not with WW, but I intend to use a more traditional diet to help me maintain when I get to goal. I just don't find that (for me at least) that sort of diet helps me to shift the weight but I think I could maintain on them.
Yeah I have joined weight watchers 3 times in the past, and each time I have been heavier joining. To me, they only work for very slow weight loss and are not great at teaching you how to eat for life. That seems to be a lesson we must learn for ourselves :(

Anyway, a nice break from my food obsession seems to be on the cards and a structured plan when I reach goal, where chocolate and fried food is a rare occurrence. hmmm we will see I suppose. Never worked for me before. heres hoping!

Also, seem to have drifted completely off topic. GOOD LUCK for Monday!! I am hoping for my delivery Tuesday so will start Weds :)
Kiika said:
Yeah I have joined weight watchers 3 times in the past, and each time I have been heavier joining. To me, they only work for very slow weight loss and are not great at teaching you how to eat for life. That seems to be a lesson we must learn for ourselves :(

Anyway, a nice break from my food obsession seems to be on the cards and a structured plan when I reach goal, where chocolate and fried food is a rare occurrence. hmmm we will see I suppose. Never worked for me before. heres hoping!

Also, seem to have drifted completely off topic. GOOD LUCK for Monday!! I am hoping for my delivery Tuesday so will start Weds :)

Good luck for wed. I started last thursday and think im doing ok. Have even had a good loss so far : )