Gold Member
You might gain a couple but won't be true weight and will come off quickly x
Rleii hoping not cz soo scared coz im nt even half way thru the journey hu wudv thrt march wud b this busy a month for me lool xx
You might gain a couple but won't be true weight and will come off quickly x
Loolz hmm suppose so n orite eye candy too lol ahh well lool haha clin ima sure uv picked up fair bit in ur time hehe...yh im in no rush tbh js tht e was fit n thrt wudv been nyc as e was givin me compliments etc....oh welll nt much can do abt it xcept tke it on the chin etc hmm ima bound to mke tons of mistakes lol xxAww never mind, sounds like a good work friend to have anyway. Not sure I would have been any good at advice anyway. Don't think I learnt much from being 16 to being 50 Lol. But I do know that when it's the right one it is all very easy and straightforward - no angst and wondering and messing about. But I also think you will have a lot of fun making your own mistakes so I'm not going to stop you.
Day 47: arghh stepped on the scales i kno i shudnt have bt cudnt help itiv put a pound on since sunday planned day off crap so 11.3 atm omg
soo gutted annoyed aint even half of hw im feelin atm....i need to b in the tens by this sunday or i have no idea wt ima gna do
for ma own piece of mind more then nething
Enough of the sad faces and the drama!! If you're not in the 10s on Sunday you will just keep on going and keep losing as you have been. You won't have lost all that water weight yet. Just keep going with the plan and drinking the water like you say and you will see a difference. You are no different than before you stepped on the scales and you look great already so keep smiling and have a good day!![/QUOTE
Lmaoo clin sorri i cnt help it tho half the time with the sad faces haha bt yh ur rite got two weeks so bound to get there n nt as tho its the end goal date cz i kno ima b jumpin rite. Bk on plan day after.....luv u guys for putting up wit me rants loolz ?????? xx
Hey hun, seems like ur getting ur water drinking under controll now. Welldone. Yaaay to ribena plus lol xxx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Haha hump suit!! Lol. Sorry. Immature. In your ten Jeans woo!!! Doing great...ignore those flipping scales they are mean, a few more days that water weight will be gone look how far you've come you're in the low 11s!! Go back to the start of your diary and appreciate how far you've come[/QUOTE Lool ment jumpsuit haha lou u kno me n ma typing lol....totm tdai i kno the scales dnnt alwys wrk in me favour loool as uv noticed by ma rants lool x
Its nt tht i dnt appreciate it cz its taken me ages to get bk to this weight n i member me whining abt being in the 12a ont he scales lool js wnt it to move tht tad faster tho tht wudnt go miss lol nearly trhee litres of water done with the help of me friend ribena plus hehe x
Dont stress about the 1lb, I have gained 1lb since yesterday and have been 100% on plan, fluctuations happen chick x
10s are brilliant. That's how it starts, one pair fits and then another one and before you know it you have comfy 10s and then one of the 8s works. Be there before you know it. And as you lose the inches shrink more for each pound you lose so the shrinkage gets quicker.
Yh u gta shape it properly i dint mine was bit of a splidge lol n prbz dint leave it in freezer long nuf lol bt if u leave it in more then a hr then it shud b fine its relii nyc reminds me bit of a choc bar espec unrappin the foil round it hehe ahh kk pheew cz like was gettin bit worried cz last month had a proper one was on pill bt tkin bit of a break frm it and had a mrnin after so was tad worried it hadnt wrked loool js wna proper one so then i knoo for defo never thrt wud say wna proper one eva haha....???? x no more funky busines tho til ima wrkin propelry lol xHey hun, There is no 'normal' when it comes to totm and a vlcd I'm afraid. Anything goes!! It's your hormones being released with rapid weight loss and can do anything from a constant period to totally missing a period and all sorts in between. I'll have to try that shake into a bar thing! Does it go like a proper bar? Xx
Saw this in tesco and thought of u hun. Lol uno they might be easier to drink while at work. Its sugar free, no citric acid and its tasty. £1 for 4 very ideal for drinking up ur water. <img src=""/> Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins